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"Diary Thread" - Make me a better LoL player :<


Three Magic
Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
So, I made the thread looking for tips. Here we go.

My last 6 matches (recent first)

Tryndamere, I just played this match. We was winning so hard early game, like 17 kills to 8 total. Then Kayles PC turned off or some shit which led to them winning.

Ahri, I honestly cannot remember this match completely. I just remember everyone split pushing and getting fucking owned.

Akali, I shit all over their Kassadin mid. CS isn't so great, but I wasn't aiming for CS, rather kills on this match. Bad move I know.

Their Akali roamed and shit all over my team. No map awareness and I couldn't focus because of things at home. But yeah, it was a shit game xd

Didn't deserve to win this one, their Miss Fortune was braindead.

We dominated early game but their Maokai came strongggg, played him the game before that too and he carried his team.. Everyone had bad focus, including myself.

CS wise, I think I'm doing better than before (since before I made "Tips" thread).
Everytime I get alot of kills I don't bother going for CS. It's a bad move and I need to improve.
Focus; some games I focus hard on the Carries, other games I just total flop and attack anything in sight.

My main roles, as you can tell are mid and adcarry. I play top now and then. I bought Trynamere after playing on a shit account to play with a friend and ended up dominating them so I thought I'd buy him.

Kinda switching from Mid to Top now. Prefer Jayce, Tryndamere, Olaf play styles..

Oh I'm currently at 880~ elo. Was at 1080 (climbed from 800~). Playing with my friend always who's at 600 elo.. lol..
Get 1 champ and main it! btw try to take a champion thats more in to the meta. None of lux or tryndamere is atm. Lux can work for sure. But here cd's are to high to carry
I would rather see the LoL end lobby screenshot instead of lolking so I can look at everyone's score/cs/levels/builds. And yes you need to improve on cs, even when you are getting lots of kills, it doesn't mean you shouldn't push out lanes that are being pushed in, don't miss teamfights just for cs though lol. By the way I strongly recommend this youtube channel Become a Better LoL Player - YouTube I was around 1300 elo when I found this guy's channel, after watching 5 videos, I played some ranked games, went up to 1450 elo, kept watching more videos over the course of days and I eventually went up to the 1500s
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I would rather see the LoL end lobby screenshot instead of lolking so I can look at everyone's score/cs/levels/builds. And yes you need to improve on cs, even when you are getting lots of kills, it doesn't mean you shouldn't push out lanes that are being pushed in, don't miss teamfights just for cs though lol. By the way I strongly recommend this youtube channel Become a Better LoL Player - YouTube I was around 1300 elo when I found this guy's channel, after watching 5 videos, I played some ranked games, went up to 1450 elo, kept watching more videos over the course of days and I eventually went up to the 1500s

I'll start taking now

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Vayne <3

Failed on CS bit I think, but its an improvement...

Well,sometimes,u have a long laning phase so u can get shitload of cs,and sometimes ppl just roam on lvl 6,and just kill eachother so theres not much time for cs ;P
Your cs is fine, nice job. I'd get a black cleaver instead of last whisper for the additional health that it gives you, and it stacks well with your w. But nicely done overall. And I suggest you watch the youtube channel I posted earlier :p
Your cs is fine, nice job. I'd get a black cleaver instead of last whisper for the additional health that it gives you, and it stacks well with your w. But nicely done overall. And I suggest you watch the youtube channel I posted earlier :p

I was told that Last Whisper and Black Cleaver are useless and it's better to get a second phantom dancer to proc my w
Depends on how heavy the armor is on the enemy team i guess & health is always nice.
I was told that Last Whisper and Black Cleaver are useless and it's better to get a second phantom dancer to proc my w

Like amusement said, if they have a tank and a offtank, I usually get black cleaver, because they will always stack some armor. 2 phantom dancers is only if I'm getting focused down hard and need the extra mobility to keep myself out of a tight situation.
Will take it into consideration, thanks!
Like amusement said, if they have a tank and a offtank, I usually get black cleaver, because they will always stack some armor. 2 phantom dancers is only if I'm getting focused down hard and need the extra mobility to keep myself out of a tight situation.

Most pro's are building ADC's way different now, warmogs as third main item, veil even.
These are standard builds that generally work, if you become good at the game you can experience with your own weird builds and play your champions differently. Like you said, most pro's. That doesn't mean it will work on low elo players.
Play only 2-4 champ so you know everything about them and its easy rise up on ELO.
If your teamates sucks on ranked dont flame them its doesent really help its just make everything worse they start rage and mby quit..
btw. HP is OP atm.
Im on 1300 wont get higher or lower even i play much, i can only flame myself some games i play good and others i just fail..
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Main a single lane. Top/Mid/Bot or Jungle.
After that, start to main 3-4 champs in that lane.
If they ban 1 of ur 'mains', u can just get another one and carry the game.
Don'\t flame, it wont help ur team.
Try to get teamwork in ur team even u don'\t know them.
Have Fun.
Easy Elo.
Main a single lane. Top/Mid/Bot or Jungle.
After that, start to main 3-4 champs in that lane.
If they ban 1 of ur 'mains', u can just get another one and carry the game.
Don'\t flame, it wont help ur team.
Try to get teamwork in ur team even u don'\t know them.
Have Fun.
Easy Elo.

I main Mid -> Adc -> Top

Mid I play 5~ champs
ADC I play 3~ champs
Top I play 2 champs

And I'm pretty decent with all of them (champion wise)
I think I'm so low at the moment because I was duo'ing with a friend who is 600 elo when I was 1k. From then I just dropped, dropped, dropped.

So I'll carry myself again like I did from 800-1080
I am 1500 elo, and my support [who was 1600 last season] is currently at 700 because of his friend that knew his acc/pass and played ranked without him knowing, made him go down like 40 losses over wins, so I started duo'ing with him, which I assume is against around 900~1100 elo players, and the key to victory is ... Balls. If you go balls deep, they won't expect it, and your team will follow you in because they don't know any better, and before you know it.. Ace. 4 days ago I towerdove their mid laner at lvl 1 invade, Killed her, escaped, enemy team came to help, they died too, 3 - 0 2:30 into the game, just because I went balls deep.
I am 1500 elo, and my support [who was 1600 last season] is currently at 700 because of his friend that knew his acc/pass and played ranked without him knowing, made him go down like 40 losses over wins, so I started duo'ing with him, which I assume is against around 900~1100 elo players, and the key to victory is ... Balls. If you go balls deep, they won't expect it, and your team will follow you in because they don't know any better, and before you know it.. Ace. 4 days ago I towerdove their mid laner at lvl 1 invade, Killed her, escaped, enemy team came to help, they died too, 3 - 0 2:30 into the game, just because I went balls deep.

Doesn't always work. Tried it xd
I am 1500 elo, and my support [who was 1600 last season] is currently at 700 because of his friend that knew his acc/pass and played ranked without him knowing, made him go down like 40 losses over wins, so I started duo'ing with him, which I assume is against around 900~1100 elo players, and the key to victory is ... Balls. If you go balls deep, they won't expect it, and your team will follow you in because they don't know any better, and before you know it.. Ace. 4 days ago I towerdove their mid laner at lvl 1 invade, Killed her, escaped, enemy team came to help, they died too, 3 - 0 2:30 into the game, just because I went balls deep.

towerdive lvl 1? gg