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Paypal transaction script needing added to geisor webpage


(Real)Creator of ChaosOT
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Washington State, USA
 *      This file provides a neat and simple method to interface with paypal and
 *      The paypal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) interface.  This file is
 *      NOT intended to make the paypal integration "plug 'n' play". It still
 *      requires the developer (that should be you) to understand the paypal
 *      process and know the variables you want/need to pass to paypal to
 *      achieve what you want.  
 *      This class handles the submission of an order to paypal aswell as the
 *      processing an Instant Payment Notification.
 *      This code is based on that of the php-toolkit from paypal.  I've taken
 *      the basic principals and put it in to a class so that it is a little
 *      easier--at least for me--to use.  The php-toolkit can be downloaded from
 *      http://sourceforge.net/projects/paypal.
 *      To submit an order to paypal, have your order form POST to a file with:
 *          $p = new paypal_class;
 *          $p->add_field('business', '[email protected]');
 *          $p->add_field('first_name', $_POST['first_name']);
 *          ... (add all your fields in the same manor)
 *          $p->submit_paypal_post();
 *      To process an IPN, have your IPN processing file contain:
 *          $p = new paypal_class;
 *          if ($p->validate_ipn()) {
 *          ... (IPN is verified.  Details are in the ipn_data() array)
 *          }
 *      In case you are new to paypal, here is some information to help you:
 *      1. Download and read the Merchant User Manual and Integration Guide from
 *         http://www.paypal.com/en_US/pdf/integration_guide.pdf.  This gives 
 *         you all the information you need including the fields you can pass to
 *         paypal (using add_field() with this class) aswell as all the fields
 *         that are returned in an IPN post (stored in the ipn_data() array in
 *         this class).  It also diagrams the entire transaction process.
 *      2. Create a "sandbox" account for a buyer and a seller.  This is just
 *         a test account(s) that allow you to test your site from both the 
 *         seller and buyer perspective.  The instructions for this is available
 *         at https://developer.paypal.com/ as well as a great forum where you
 *         can ask all your paypal integration questions.  Make sure you follow
 *         all the directions in setting up a sandbox test environment, including
 *         the addition of fake bank accounts and credit cards.

class paypal_class {
   var $last_error;                 // holds the last error encountered
   var $ipn_log;                    // bool: log IPN results to text file?
   var $ipn_log_file;               // filename of the IPN log
   var $ipn_response;               // holds the IPN response from paypal   
   var $ipn_data = array();         // array contains the POST values for IPN
   var $fields = array();           // array holds the fields to submit to paypal

   function paypal_class() {
      // initialization constructor.  Called when class is created.
      $this->paypal_url = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
      $this->last_error = '';
      $this->ipn_log_file = '.ipn_results.log';
      $this->ipn_log = true; 
      $this->ipn_response = '';
      // populate $fields array with a few default values.  See the paypal
      // documentation for a list of fields and their data types. These defaul
      // values can be overwritten by the calling script.

      $this->add_field('rm','2');           // Return method = POST
   function add_field($field, $value) {
      // adds a key=>value pair to the fields array, which is what will be 
      // sent to paypal as POST variables.  If the value is already in the 
      // array, it will be overwritten.
      $this->fields["$field"] = $value;

   function submit_paypal_post() {
      // this function actually generates an entire HTML page consisting of
      // a form with hidden elements which is submitted to paypal via the 
      // BODY element's onLoad attribute.  We do this so that you can validate
      // any POST vars from you custom form before submitting to paypal.  So 
      // basically, you'll have your own form which is submitted to your script
      // to validate the data, which in turn calls this function to create
      // another hidden form and submit to paypal.
      // The user will briefly see a message on the screen that reads:
      // "Please wait, your order is being processed..." and then immediately
      // is redirected to paypal.

      echo "<html>\n";
      echo "<head><title>Processing Payment...</title></head>\n";
      echo "<body onLoad=\"document.forms['paypal_form'].submit();\">\n";  
      echo "<center><h2>Please wait, your order is being processed and you";
      echo " will be redirected to the paypal website.</h2></center>\n";
      echo "<form method=\"post\" name=\"paypal_form\" ";
      echo "action=\"".$this->paypal_url."\">\n";

      foreach ($this->fields as $name => $value) {
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\"/>\n";
      echo "<center><br/><br/>If you are not automatically redirected to ";
      echo "paypal within 5 seconds...<br/><br/>\n";
      echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Click Here\"></center>\n";
      echo "</form>\n";
      echo "</body></html>\n";
   function validate_ipn() {

      // parse the paypal URL

      // generate the post string from the _POST vars aswell as load the
      // _POST vars into an arry so we can play with them from the calling
      // script.
      $post_string = '';    
      foreach ($_POST as $field=>$value) { 
         $this->ipn_data["$field"] = $value;
         $post_string .= $field.'='.urlencode(stripslashes($value)).'&'; 
      $post_string.="cmd=_notify-validate"; // append ipn command

      // open the connection to paypal
      $fp = fsockopen($url_parsed[host],"80",$err_num,$err_str,30); 
      if(!$fp) {
         // could not open the connection.  If loggin is on, the error message
         // will be in the log.
         $this->last_error = "fsockopen error no. $errnum: $errstr";
         return false;
      } else { 
         // Post the data back to paypal
         fputs($fp, "POST $url_parsed[path] HTTP/1.1\r\n"); 
         fputs($fp, "Host: $url_parsed[host]\r\n"); 
         fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); 
         fputs($fp, "Content-length: ".strlen($post_string)."\r\n"); 
         fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); 
         fputs($fp, $post_string . "\r\n\r\n"); 

         // loop through the response from the server and append to variable
         while(!feof($fp)) { 
            $this->ipn_response .= fgets($fp, 1024); 

         fclose($fp); // close connection

      if (eregi("VERIFIED",$this->ipn_response)) {
         // Valid IPN transaction.
         return true;       
      } else {
         // Invalid IPN transaction.  Check the log for details.
         $this->last_error = 'IPN Validation Failed.';
         return false;
   function log_ipn_results($Success) {
      if (!$this->ipn_log) return;  // is logging turned off?
      // Timestamp
      $text = '['.date('m/d/Y g:i A').'] - '; 
      // Success or failure being logged?
      if ($Success) $text .= "Success!\n";
      else $text .= 'FAIL: '.$this->last_error."\n";
      // Log the POST variables
      $text .= "IPN POST Vars from Paypal:\n";
      foreach ($this->ipn_data as $key=>$value) {
         $text .= "$key=$value, ";
      // Log the response from the paypal server
      $text .= "\nIPN Response from Paypal Server:\n ".$this->ipn_response;
      // Write to log
      fwrite($fp, $text . "\n\n"); 

      fclose($fp);  // close file

   function dump_fields() {
      // Used for debugging, this function will output all the field/value pairs
      // that are currently defined in the instance of the class using the
      // add_field() function.
      echo "<h3>paypal_class->dump_fields() Output:</h3>";
      echo "<table width=\"95%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\">
               <td bgcolor=\"black\"><b><font color=\"white\">Field Name</font></b></td>
               <td bgcolor=\"black\"><b><font color=\"white\">Value</font></b></td>
      foreach ($this->fields as $key => $value) {
         echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>".urldecode($value)."&nbsp;</td></tr>";
      echo "</table><br>"; 



// Setup class
require_once('payment.php');  // include the class file
$p = new paypal_class;             // initiate an instance of the class
$p->paypal_url = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';   // testing paypal url
//$p->paypal_url = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';     // paypal url
// setup a variable for this script (ie: 'http://www.micahcarrick.com/paypal.php')
$this_script = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

// if there is not action variable, set the default action of 'process'
if (empty($_GET['action'])) $_GET['action'] = 'process';  

switch ($_GET['action']) {
   case 'process':      // Process and order...

      // There should be no output at this point.  To process the POST data,
      // the submit_paypal_post() function will output all the HTML tags which
      // contains a FORM which is submited instantaneously using the BODY onload
      // attribute.  In other words, don't echo or printf anything when you're
      // going to be calling the submit_paypal_post() function.
      // This is where you would have your form validation  and all that jazz.
      // You would take your POST vars and load them into the class like below,
      // only using the POST values instead of constant string expressions.
      // For example, after ensureing all the POST variables from your custom
      // order form are valid, you might have:
      // $p->add_field('first_name', $_POST['first_name']);
      // $p->add_field('last_name', $_POST['last_name']);
      $p->add_field('business', '[email protected]');
      $p->add_field('return', $this_script.'?action=ipn');
      $p->add_field('cancel_return', $this_script.'?action=cancel');
      $p->add_field('notify_url', $this_script.'?action=ipn');
      $p->add_field('item_name', 'Empire Points');
      $p->add_field('amount', $_GET["amount"]);

      $p->submit_paypal_post(); // submit the fields to paypal
      //$p->dump_fields();      // for debugging, output a table of all the fields
   case 'Success':      // Order was Successful...
      // This is where you would probably want to thank the user for their order
      // or what have you.  The order information at this point is in POST 
      // variables.  However, you don't want to "process" the order until you
      // get validation from the IPN.  That's where you would have the code to
      // email an admin, update the database with payment status, activate a
      // membership, etc.  
      echo "<html><head><title>Success</title></head><body><h3>Thank you for your order.</h3>";
      foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { echo "$key: $value<br>"; }
      echo "</body></html>";
      // You could also simply re-direct them to another page, or your own 
      // order status page which presents the user with the status of their
      // order based on a database (which can be modified with the IPN code 
      // below).
   case 'cancel':       // Order was canceled...

      // The order was canceled before being completed.
      echo "<html><head><title>Canceled</title></head><body><h3><center>The order was canceled.</center></h3>";
      echo "</body></html>";
   case 'ipn':          // Paypal is calling page for IPN validation...
      // It's important to remember that paypal calling this script.  There
      // is no output here.  This is where you validate the IPN data and if it's
      // valid, update your database to signify that the user has payed.  If
      // you try and use an echo or printf function here it's not going to do you
      // a bit of good.  This is on the "backend".  That is why, by default, the
      // class logs all IPN data to a text file.
      if ($p->validate_ipn()) {
         // Payment has been recieved and IPN is verified.  This is where you
         // update your database to activate or process the order, or setup
         // the database with the user's order details, email an administrator,
         // etc.  You can access a slew of information via the ipn_data() array.
         // Check the paypal documentation for specifics on what information
         // is available in the IPN POST variables.  Basically, all the POST vars
         // which paypal sends, which we send back for validation, are now stored
         // in the ipn_data() array.
$db_host="localhost"; $db_user="root"; $db_pass="codym090"; $db_name="roe1";
$db_id = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass)
 or die("Could not connect to DB.");
mysql_select_db($db_name, $db_id)
 or die("Database not found.");
 $query="select count(*) from payments where verify_sign='".$p->ipn_data[verify_sign]."'";
 $result=mysql_query($query, $db_id);
 if (!$row[0])
	 $points=0; $ok=1;
	  case 5: $points=500; break;
	  case 10: $points=1200; break;
	  case 20: $points=2500; break;
	  default: $points=1;
	 $query="update users set points=points+".$points." where id=".$_SESSION["user"][0];
	 $result=mysql_query($query, $db_id);
	 if (!$result) $ok=0;
	 $query="insert into payments (verify_sign) values ('".$p->ipn_data[verify_sign]."')";
	 $result=mysql_query($query, $db_id);
	 if (!$result) $ok=0;
	 if ($ok) echo "Success. ".$points." has been added to your account.";
	 else echo "Failed. Please contact the administrator.";
 } else echo "You have already paid. Thank you.";


You need to edit the paypal account data in pay/paypal.php: $p->add_field('business', 'your_email');
as well as the db connection data in pay/paypal.php: $db_host=""; $db_user=""; $db_pass=""; $db_name="";

it would be nice if someone will add this into geisor's account creation webpage. for the paypal donation automation process.
Could you explain me little more, if they buying they got premium points in site ?

Thanks, !
I think it's only example of PayPal script that add XX points to database. Now I must modify it to work with acc. maker and add premium points.
I think it's only example of PayPal script that add XX points to database. Now I must modify it to work with acc. maker and add premium points.

Ok thanks Gesior, i have to say you are the best one for me in OTLand also Talaturen,Evil Hero,Empty,Elf!

But i like your script like hell ;)
lol in 0.3 the databasemanager is injected for it. just select the database from 0.2 in 0.3 config lua and start the server.Make a backup before.
they may be able to reclaim via paypal however I have noticed that in my 4 years of using it that most people will not do this is they are satisfied with the service given to them. On another note there will always be scumbags in the world. But they are few and far between. There are methods to counter reclaiming customers via disputes and I think paypal takes a smaller cut than daopay.