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[USA] [CUSTOM 7.6] ALESSYA'S DREAM - Opening 06/07/2020 (17:00 GMT+1)

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Well, this is about a guild got punished by exploiting a bug, keep this in mind. No matter what the Admin did, they would charge against him anyway. They are trying to minimise the exploit thing. They generated tons of CCs. Everyone that hosted an OT knows how harmful is this.

This is an explanation of what happened from my perspective, as the second Admin here, to clarify things:
I told the Admin to delete these chars from the beginning of this bug exploit, he disagree. I gave him the idea of auctioning permabanned chars some time ago, is common practice in other OTs to put permabanneds for auction, nothing personal here... After all we thought these people were not interested in coming back so Admin tried this formula. Passed a week we changed our minds and decided to return these chars, given the intention seen in discord to return to the game and, honestly, this guild was facing the top guild and this was good for everyone. Nobody wants to rule a server with just one guild, this is so absurd as an argument. The Admin do not provide any advantage to any guild, he doesn't even play. Finally, it wouldn't be fair for the rest of the community to return these chars as is, so Admin returned them with no items. So, they passed from being deleted to recover their chars after a week with no items. This is insane :)

No time to deny every single lie in here because it would be a waste of time, too much to deny. But this is one so obvious that I will:

No passion you said... what attribute do you think a person has to have to invest so much hours in an OT? A custom OT requires hours and hours of work. We were exhausted till the opening trying to make it as perfect as we could!! The money is not the goal, it's the satisfaction. If I have to bill the hours spent here there is no income to fill the gap.

Conclusion: lesson learned! We better just delete cheaters next time... The main problem here is a big bug exploited instead of being reported. If so this will be a different story.

Well, thanks for playing, we were happy having a guild facing Night Raid and fresh new players, and then ruined all by cheating instead of reporting, do not miss the point. That's so disappointing for all! Bye bye

goodluck on your journey, you deserve better.
I spoke to Helipse concerning our characters. I told him I would prefer them to be deleted than to be auctioned because that would be a very bad business move. Why would you auction "bugged" characters to random players instead of the ONLY players supporting your server??

Anyway, to make things short:

Helipse literally told me "FINE, I WILL DELETE THEM TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH", and proceeded to changing their names to DELETED1,DELETED2,DELETED3,DELETED4. He thought we wouldn't notice that he name changed them, and that maybe later on he would rechange them back when we would have quit 100% to auction them.

Stay away from this greedy guy, he is ruining his brother's work for his greed and to help his little real life friends that don't do SHIT to support the server.

You ran your brother to the ground, be proud.
Well, this is about a guild got punished by exploiting a bug, keep this in mind. No matter what the Admin did, they would charge against him anyway. They are trying to minimise the exploit thing. They generated tons of CCs. Everyone that hosted an OT knows how harmful is this.
Well, this is about a guild got punished by exploiting a bug, keep this in mind. No matter what the Admin did, they would charge against him anyway. They are trying to minimise the exploit thing. They generated tons of CCs. Everyone that hosted an OT knows how harmful is this.

This is an explanation of what happened from my perspective, as the second Admin here, to clarify things:
I told the Admin to delete these chars from the beginning of this bug exploit, he disagree. I gave him the idea of auctioning permabanned chars some time ago, is common practice in other OTs to put permabanneds for auction, nothing personal here... After all we thought these people were not interested in coming back so Admin tried this formula. Passed a week we changed our minds and decided to return these chars, given the intention seen in discord to return to the game and, honestly, this guild was facing the top guild and this was good for everyone. Nobody wants to rule a server with just one guild, this is so absurd as an argument. The Admin do not provide any advantage to any guild, he doesn't even play. Finally, it wouldn't be fair for the rest of the community to return these chars as is, so Admin returned them with no items. So, they passed from being deleted to recover their chars after a week with no items. This is insane :)

No time to deny every single lie in here because it would be a waste of time, too much to deny. But this is one so obvious that I will:

No passion you said... what attribute do you think a person has to have to invest so much hours in an OT? A custom OT requires hours and hours of work. We were exhausted till the opening trying to make it as perfect as we could!! The money is not the goal, it's the satisfaction. If I have to bill the hours spent here there is no income to fill the gap.

Conclusion: lesson learned! We better just delete cheaters next time... The main problem here is a big bug exploited instead of being reported. If so this will be a different story.

Well, thanks for playing, we were happy having a guild facing Night Raid and fresh new players, and then ruined all by cheating instead of reporting, do not miss the point. That's so disappointing for all! Bye bye
The players were banned while doing the bug, from what I understand it was about 5kk~ on one of the players, so maybe 10~kk total?

Like it was said earlier, these players already had over 5kk each.. And were high enough level/playing enough hours to make between them over 1kk an hour. It wasn't game breaking, especially since the money never even made it into use in the first place. Maybe on some manafluids and runes, which like was also already said, the exp gained couldve been removed with the money easily.

You should assess the damage done and make sure the punishment is matched, and speak to the players in these situations. 10~ hours maybe 1 day of farming was gained and not fully used, all characters over hundred hours of playing legit.

An actual rl friend and past player of the server even came here to say what we are saying is probably true, based on other seasons the gm helping their friends and team. I have never spoken to that guy before, never met him before, I dont think he even played this time. He just had the same experience playing as we did.

I think theres passion in what you do spekdrum, the music on here is awesome and my dual wield class with life drain was fun to play. However I truly hope you start your own server, code for anothers server, or that maybe you guys hire a new admin to replace helipse. He ruined this game for a lot of people this time around, and last time around too it seems. Total players online when I checked yesterday between 10-20. I ran a 8.0 server as a kid with 0 knowledge of coding and a cookie cutter map and had more players daily than that. Your time and work put in deserves so much more. I even wrote helipse a long message on discord saying no hard feelings for banning my friends, I liked the server a lot and I hoped you both got the player base and recognition you deserved moving forward, even if we didn't play anymore.

After his responses (or lack of) to these situations, following me invisible on the day of unban and trying to make the game as difficult as possible, while giving our house of 10+ days to Cien Fuego (character in night raid, his friends who I've watched him help with a quest on Ghostarks stream) changed my opinion.

You deserve recognition, helipse deserves his 10 players a day friends with no one to fight against.

When I quit, I gave all my items money and gear (legit, never used any bugs just hours of time) to a newb friend incase he still wanted to play without us.
You guys deleted those legit items out of spite and pettiness, to a player who had nothing to do with any of this. This is the attitude in which you run your server, and the way you dealt with us as well. He has now quit too, so great job. :)

Good luck to you, and to anyone who still chooses to waste time playing here.
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Yeah, ofcourse Spekdrum, it sure harmed your 25 player server.

Maybe instead of putting your head in the sand, start actually realizing the fact that 50% of the people that quit are telling you what happened. Yet you still act clueless. You're going nowhere with your work because you're walking blind my friend.

Have a good day
Banning us, yep, we dicked around with a bug.

Trying to "auction off" our characters.
Telling us to each pay 10$ to unban us and give our characters back.
Giving us the characters back after removing ALL our items, donation items, quest items, etc... that were PAID FOR WITH REAL MONEY and refusing to acknowledge Scampeku about it, scummy.

You don't deserve this server to thrive, which it very well could of if the owner wasn't so scummy.

And Spekdrum, it wasn't a "guild" that got punished idiot, there was 3 of us who "abused the bug", not the guild that basically quit after you banned Yukay for your own fuck-ups with his tutor position being bugged by banning him for a WEEK after his hours of trying to help your server.

Sad, sad, sad.

You can defend your server, it's your right.. but don't act like your brother is innocent, once again. Your server population speaks for itself.

Doesn't matter how good of a car you have, if the driver at the wheel can't drive the cars bound to crash.
Well, this is about a guild got punished by exploiting a bug, keep this in mind. No matter what the Admin did, they would charge against him anyway. They are trying to minimise the exploit thing and just want to burn it down everything. They generated tons of CCs. Everyone that hosted an OT knows how harmful is this. Not happier yet with this, they need to discredit us till exhaustion.
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Server online 8 players

Sorry, it's been 5 hours lemme give you an update;
Server online 9 players

🙂 what's wrong with you dude? Why do you come here over and over just to argue the same? What's the point? I don't understand your motivation, or maybe I do. If you want to do harm you already did it. If it makes you happy so be it. What is done is done. Get a life or something, seriously...

But, why really this still concerns you? We already know our mistakes in this story, I wrote them some posts ago. You should do some auto critic as well, you are the one who ruined your entire guild violating the rules. I wonder why are you still coming here, maybe you need some attention or something. I'm sorry but I can't give you that you dude, I'm just a drug dealer and you the addict. You don't like my drugs so take another dealer!

I do not have any problem with you after all, I passed though this maaaany times, there were more "Neos (from matrix)" before you. But you indeed have a problem, like many others, with Admin Helipse. Maybe hes a bit emotional, and sure he did some mistakes (as I did). He did a lot of work building this game with me and I understand him. Anyway, you guys will never achieve to kick him from ADream project no matter the dudes popping up from the void to support this campaign, seriously. ADream wouldn't be possible without him, so if you (all) are able to accept that just come and play, you are welcome (we don't ban people, we ban chars). But if you don't want to come back just leave us, with our 10 players, it's ok!. They are enjoying it.

You had fun and you know it. You ruined all your guild exploiting a bug and you know it, so you need the put the blame outside your acts. You liked the game, despite you were whining on discord about how much you dislike everything (hunt profits, paralyse mana...), while you were spending lots of hours playing, becoming the top player as you remarked the first. You felt ignored, but we followed all your guild progression. That's the funniest part in administrating an OT. It was a big deception for all that you ruined it. We will ban chars if they exploit bugs, we did in the past and will keep doing that, even if we end with 10 players. And please, do not misunderstand my words, I'm far from asking you to come back. I'm just showing you that in this battle everyone has lost.

Finally I would like to thank you (all) for giving us free advertising bumping up this post 🤪
just a warning my windows defender have blocked the client few times now saying it contains Trojan Stay Safe Everyone​
just a warning my windows defender have blocked the client few times now saying it contains Trojan Stay Safe Everyone​
This is false positive, should be solved.
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You ruined the guild when you banned Yukay, there was 3 of us playing in the guild after that moron, how hard is that to understand?
3 of us, Simpeku, Scampeku and Smackpeku dominated your server and shut down Night Raid during PVP days.
They went from 0 online to 10+ online when we got banned, stop saying "Guild this guild that", everyone in that guild besides us quit after you banned Yukay and everyone knows you guys help Night Raid.

Next; We don't care that we got banned, what ruined your server was your actions towards us after that, when we were unbanned with all our items removed(Items you can only get once from quests along with items we payed REAL MONEY for through your donation shop) and our houses given to your friends(Night Raid) hell once we got banned you guys instantly changed all our passwords, renamed our characters and said you would auction them, or we should pay 10$ to get them back.

We never said the OT isn't good, the OT is amazing. It's a fun server, but the owner of it is garbage, which is why this server flops with no player-base.

As far as the "Free advertisement" is going, the OT has been out since what, 2006? It's had enough advertisement and never went anywhere. :(

You make no profit hunting multiple things on your server, even worse for a knight. That's why everyone in your discord made suggestions to buff loot for X mob and Y mob. My point was valid.
Next; Paralyze for PVP being 50 mana to cast is the most dogshit brain dead thing I've ever seen for PVP on tibia, and I've played a lot of tibia and done a lot of PVP to know that and the fact that you think it's a good idea and choose not to change it proves you're literally garbage when it comes to the game.

I don't mind playing the villain about my "tone" in discord thou, I'm not gonna suggest something and have your toxic dumb friends mock me about it because they would be 100x worse if it was changed.

Wanna make PVP better and balance your server more?

Make UHs cost their original mana like every other rune [100mana]
Make Paralyze take 500~700 mana to cast, not 50 mana (How the fuck is anyone suppose to escape a druid?)
Buff loot for certain mobs like Hydras, BK's, Heros.
Allow people to Mwall during non-pvp days.
Nerf turtle shells because the profit there is stupid compared to every other mob.

Another dumb issue is the fact that you let mages use hotkeys to hunt while knights and warriors can't.

Or don't, not my problem..

Got it?
Okay, good.
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We came to this server to play because its a great ot. But the ADMIN HELIPSE is very Unprofessional. Its a shame that ADMIN enter players acc to delet money or items that he dont know where is the origin.

Another thing is that when somebody talk in DISCORD to claim about ADMIN ACTIONS the reply is A BAN OF IP FOR THE DISCORD SERVER and DELETION OF MESSAGE.

Now i need to ask, how a team of 10 players continue playing if admin do wathever he wants?
Anna Kendrick in my bedroom, but since that's unrealistic I'd settle for you not telling your bullshit lies about us and what happened when you lack knowledge on it.
Defend your friend/brother/whatever?, defend your OT, but don't make up bullshit to do it.

and I got no idea who half these people posting are, just saying.
What do you really want guys?
For helipse to use his own voice here to acknowledge in these situations with many players (a lot here are not my team, just people with similiar experiences) that he was wrong, man.

I even played the game legit and had a lot of my money taken, and ALL of my gear and items I played legit for was deleted, just because I gave it to a level 35 so he could try and play with some fun since he put in days of time and now would have to play without all of his friends? Is it illegal to give my legit earned things to another player? The guy doesn't even play tibia, this was his first experience with it.

Just such a shame man, especially since I apologized for actions that were not even mine while I wished you both well, and was told by helipse he would be in contact with me. I was civil and respectful with you both. He never contacted me again. Then he follows me invis while I'm the only player left of my whole team, and he tries his hardest to make it even more unfair for me while I show a guy I never met before the server a new area and some things he can hunt. When I'm already 1 versus 10 he still has to try and give his friends more advantage, because they are literally dog shit at this game. I watched ghostarc almost die multiple times to heros on a 100 ek. Lol. Let their skill speak for them and give everyone that plays here a fair chance, they are spending their time, energy, and even some money, they deserve that much at least. A fair chance here.

Without the help, I gurrantee night raid wont be #1 guild. They can all be veterans of 14 years, they still got steam rolled by a guy who hasn't even touched a tibia server in 6+ years.

"Van gogh" aka lucky mugrat or whatever his name is on the discord, I hope you see this post. You're a boot licker who spreads rumours like a 13 year old school girl. You're dog shit at the game, and the next ot you planned on playing? Your friends told me :) you are already hunted on it. Show some respect next time.

@spekdrum I do agree with your point that this is a loss for all involved. But please understand that it didn't need to be. If we didn't like your server, if we didn't invest heavily into it, we would not be upset enough to talk about it and warn others of our experience here. My friends I was with here play 100's of ot's for pvp over the years, they leave servers all the time with no care at all. 2 of them haven't said a word here, they don't care and are waiting for the next 3 servers to come out to try. Even still my other friends felt the need to voice their opinions here, along with those I've never spoken to, because it was not fair. I spent my time playing mostly alone because I don't level as fast as my friends, but I was spending my time helping anyone that asked me here, with money items shop locations etc. The entire time of the ban I had countless people message me asking if my friends will return, that they wanted us to return and play. A lot of them disliked night raid as well based on passed seasons, I had no answer for them because I was not told anything by admins for almost a week. I tried hard and spent lots of time here, and I was spit on by helipse for it.
We had a bad start. Yukay found a bug and took profit, then we banned him and everything went down from then (Yukay and the Admin were collaborating but suddenly the relation went down, I don't know the cause). Simpeku found another bug, a bigger one, and the same story. As I said what's done is done. With no bugs there wont be problems. I would like players to be honest and report bugs instead of exploit them but the reality is very different. I can't change people, but I can do apply MY rules. It's so surrealistic that, after all, cheaters come here demanding anything given the fact they violated the rules...

BTW Im sure the Admin is not helping anyone in the game, they are not his friends. I don't know if you really believe that but it's not true. If so, don't you think they will come here to support him and filling this thread of support messages??. We do not have any friend playing in ADream.

Another thing maybe you don't know is that when we track ilegal created money in the database there is always some colateral damages. Everything is chaos when trying to repair this kind of leaks, there is not a perfect system to fix those issues. I'm sry if you feel some legal money wiped out, but there is no turn back. We can't ensure whose telling the truth or lying, nothing personal.

Finally, both bugs has been solved so if you really want to show you are better than them on PvP just get in and proof it... We will be happy, I really want you to crush them, seriously. They are a bit braggarts . We started on 6th this month, is not that hard.

We can't do anything else about this matter.