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Advanced-Guild-War-System {Count in site the frags!} Now Edited with tables of DB!

:) uber rox release, we all appresiate it so much, EVERYONE REP++ HIM OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG!

merda kra ja vc ta tomando o kra o xenios como guia heauheaeh, obrigado ;P
You gave script that are not yours and you even don't know where you must put them <lol>, because you told us to put scripts to wrong places etc. and also you didn't gave us tables and script from creaturescripts.
I've created the Tables and the script from creaturescripts by myself and now it's all working, but without it it wouldn't work.

Now you are hidding yourself when a lot of people are asking about the tables and scripts because you don't know anything about it, you just want a Reputation points for not your work.
Pathetic noob, pff. I hate people like you.
All credits goes to Nahruto and the credits that you can get are only for being a n00b.

I will use it, and yes, maybe some credits are going to you for the release so tnx for it, but anyway I think you are a noob.

Last edited:
So dont use them ;)
I dont send pm 4you to come here and use this script, if you dont like, so dont use :)
The best release of ultimate times!!!
4.0 Go to Xampp folder, htdocs and create an new lua file and write it:
DelayToCancel = 24 * 60 * 60 --minutes

Maps = {
	["map 1"] = 
			Guild1Pos = {x=998, y=1006, z=7},
			Guild2Pos = {x=1002, y=1006, z=7}
	["map 2"] =
			Guild1Pos = {x=994, y=1004, z=6},
			Guild2Pos = {x=1000, y=1003, z=6}			

TimeToTeleport = 1 --minutes, when star a challenge
StopBattle = TRUE --Stop battle after X time ? TRUE  /  FALSE
TimeToStop = 60 --Minutes Time to Stop if StopBattle = TRUE.

--Cancel messages~
CancelMessagesWar = {
	--Message when player try accept/reject/cancel a war but there is no a invitation.
	[1] = "Not pending invitations.",
	--Message when the player is not the guild leader.
	[2] = "Only Guild Leader can execute this command.",
	--Message when try Cancel the invitation but the war is already accepted.
	[3] = "The war is already accepted.",
	--MEssage when the invited guild name is not correct or does not exist.
	[4] = "Not correct guild name.",
	--Message when try invite any guild to a war but his guild already have a war or a pending invitation.
	[5] = "Your guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.",
	--Same of the cancel message 5 but the the enemy guild.
	[6] = "This guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.",
	--Message when use invite command but not write guild name.
	[7] = "Command needs param.",
	--Message when try invite his guild.
	[8] = "You can\´t invite you guild.",
	--Message when the map name is not correct.
	[9] = "Please write a correct name.",
	--Message when try go to any map but the guild is have no received/sent any war invitation
	[10] = "Your guild is not in any war.",
	--When try to cancel a war before the delay
	[11] = "You should wait ".. DelayToCancel .." minutes to cancel the war"
--Broadcast messages when invite/accept/reject/cancel ~ Remember the Spaces.
BroadCast = {
	--Message when inviting
	[1] = 
			"Guild ",
			--Here will be the guild name
			" have invited guild ",
			--Here will be the invited guild name
			" to have a war."
	--Message when accept.
	[2] = 
			"Guild ",
			--Here will be the guild name
			" have accepted the invitation of the guild " ,
			--Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em.
			" to have a war."
	--Message when reject.
	[3] = 
			"Guild ",
			--Here will be the guild name
			" have rejected the invitation of the guild " ,
			--Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em.
			" to have a war."
	--Message when cancel.
	[4] = 
			"Guild ",
			--Here will be the guild name
			" have canceled the invitation to the guild " ,
			--Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em.
			" to have a war."
	--Message whenstar a battle..
	[5] = 
			"Guild ",
			--Here will be the guild name
			" and guild " ,
			--Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em.
			" will have a battle in the map :"
	--message when a battle ends.
	[6] = 
			"The battle betwen guild ",
			--Here will be the guild name
			" and guild " ,
			--Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em.
			" its over."

--Functions ~.
function getGuildWarInfo(id)
	local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `invited_to`, `invited_by`, `in_war_with`,`war_time` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "")
	if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
		local invTo, invBy, warWith, Time = Info:getDataInt("invited_to"), Info:getDataInt("invited_by"), Info:getDataInt("in_war_with"), Info:getDataInt("war_time") 
		return {To = invTo, By = invBy, With = warWith, T = Time}
 	return LUA_ERROR

function getGuildNameById(id)
	local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "")
		if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
		local Name = Info:getDataString("name")
		return Name
 	return LUA_ERROR

function GuildIsInPEace(id)
	local Info = getGuildWarInfo(id)
	return (Info.To == 0 and Info.By == 0 and Info.With == 0)

function doInviteToWar(myGuild, enemyGuild)
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = ".. enemyGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."")
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_by` = ".. myGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."")

function WarAccept(myGuild, enemyGuild)
	local StartTime = os.time()
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with`  =  ".. myGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."")
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with`  =  ".. enemyGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."")

function cleanInfo(myGuild)
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = 0, `in_war_with`  =  0, `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."")

function registerDeath(myGuild, enemyGuild, cid, target)
	db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `deaths_in_wars` (`guild_id`, `player_id`, `killer_guild`, `killer`, `date`) VALUES ("..enemyGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(target)..", "..myGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(cid)..", " .. os.time() ..");")	
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `kills` = `kills` + 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."")

function StopWar(myGuild, enemyGuild)

function removeDeaths(id)
	db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `deaths_in_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " ..id .. ";")

function WeAreInWar(myGuild, enemyGuild)
	local myGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(myGuild)
	local enemyGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(enemyGuild)
	if myGuild == enemyGuildInfo.With and enemyGuild ==  myGuildInfo.With then
		if enemyGuildInfo.ON == 1 and myGuildInfo.ON == 1 then
			return TRUE
	return FALSE

function getOnlineMembers(id)
	local PlayersOnline = getPlayersOnline()
	local MembersOnline = {}
	for i, pid in ipairs(PlayersOnline) do
		if id == getPlayerGuildId(PlayersOnline[i]) then
			table.insert(MembersOnline, PlayersOnline[i])
	return MembersOnline

function teleportGuild(id, pos)
	local Members = getOnlineMembers(id)
	if #Members > 0 then
		for i = 1, #Members do
			if getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(Members[i])) == TRUE then
				doTeleportThing(Members[i], pos, FALSE)
				doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
				doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(Members[i]), CONST_ME_POFF)

function removeFrag(cid)
	local FragTime = getConfigInfo('timeToDecreaseFrags')
	local myFragTime = getPlayerRedSkullTicks(cid)
	local Remo = (myFragTime - FragTime)
	if Remo < 0 then
		Remo = 0
	doPlayerSetRedSkullTicks(cid, Remo)

function getGuildsWithWar()
	local res = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `in_war_with` > 0")
	local GuildW = {}
	if res:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
		while true do
			table.insert(GuildW, res:getDataInt "id")
			if not res:next() then
	return GuildW

function guildExist(nom)
	local Get = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(nom) .. ";")
	if Get:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
		local ret = Get:getDataInt("id")
		return ret
 	return LUA_ERROR

function StarWar(x)
	teleportGuild(x.myGuild, Maps[x.map].Guild1Pos)
	teleportGuild(x.enemyGuild, Maps[x.map].Guild2Pos)
	putWarOn(x.myGuild, x.enemyGuild)
	if StopBattle == TRUE then
		addEvent(StopWarNow, 60 * 1000, {myGuild = x.myGuild, enemyGuild = x.enemyGuild})

function StopWarNow(c)
	StopWar(c.myGuild, c.enemyGuild)
	doBroadcastMessage(BroadCast[6][1] ..getGuildNameById(c.myGuild).. BroadCast[6][2] ..getGuildNameById(c.enemyGuild).. BroadCast[6][3], BroadCast_Type)

function putWarOn(myGuild, enemyGuild)
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `war_time`  = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."")
	db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `war_time`  = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."")
What name I need put in this script?

It's work in [8.4] The Forgotten Server v0.3.2 (Crying Damson)?
Log error:
[14/03/2009 12:17:59] Lua Script Error: [GlobalEvent Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:17:59] data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua

[14/03/2009 12:17:59] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:17:59] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua)

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] Lua Script Error: [TalkAction Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua)

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] Lua Script Error: [TalkAction Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua)

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] Lua Script Error: [TalkAction Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua)

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] Lua Script Error: [TalkAction Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua)

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] Lua Script Error: [TalkAction Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua)

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] Lua Script Error: [TalkAction Interface] 
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua

[14/03/2009 12:18:00] cannot open ./GuildWar.lua: No such file or directory
[14/03/2009 12:18:00] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Can not load script (data/talkactions/scripts/GuildWar.lua)
Why would you release this.. Only certian servers have it and that makes them special/ But now every server will have this and it will make it nooby.

because he is a stupid who wants rep 8)

can you post your tables on your database?

he cant because he dont even have it lol

Fucking idiot =)
you have a lot of missing files 8)
Yep : ] As I said: He didn't gave the script from creaturescripts and tables from database, but screw it, I wrote them by myself and now it's working for me without any bugs :)
Shit & lol. ;P

It's too early to see WAR System LUA&PHP scripts working without bugs.
Have you guys tried making the codes yourself?
Your not going to get anywhere being spoon fed, so your just going to have to pull up your big boy pants and do it yourself

Yours Pablol

Btw good system Gerikah ;)
I hate the noobs who created the last part themself and don't release it to public.. They wouldn't even have the script if this guy was like them;)
Its not Geks system he/she just released it
Its not even finished and they dont know how to finish it
1. they shouldnt be given credit
2. I agree with up coz im a noob ;)