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Search results

  1. S

    Lua Error in script

    Hiho otlanders! I have a script to open a TP when kill "x" monster but... it dont removing the TP when time over... If someone can help me =)
  2. S

    Lua NPC's!!!

    Hello Otlanders! I have 2 npc's that are responding by defaut. kroox.lua local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid)...
  3. S

    Lua Script

    How i put liquid in a vial? in my server this doens't work. please help! I want via ID 2006 and liquid of spirit potion, to make a vial of oil, and one with water. bcuz my server doens't have it. I give rep+
  4. S

    Lua achivments pack HELP

    Hello Otlanders! I install achivments pack - http://otland.net/f81/achievements-pack-132764/ and i have this erros in console [21:32:29.231] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [21:32:29.232] data/talkactions/scripts/achievements.luanSay [21:32:29.233] Description: [21:32:29.233]...
  5. S

    Lua Script of VIAL OF OIL!

    ohh sry i have this script i need script of vial of oil bcuz i dont have npc that sell it and dont have the iten on my server
  6. S

    Lua Script of VIAL OF OIL!

    Hello Otlanders! I have a server, and i am adding.. poi full, but i dont have vial of oil to make entrace whit switches. if someone can help... att Skyzors
  7. S

    Scripter Search for a scripter

    I'll contact u for email. Please, if u have interest answer the same.
  8. S

    Scripter Search for a scripter

    Hello guy's! My title say all...but i am serach for a freelancers too. Qualifications And i need a Comunity Maneger (CM)
  9. S

    Lua Demon oak problem!

    but what position?
  10. S

    Lua Demon oak problem!

    dont work it =(
  11. S

    Windows problem with shop

    i Put your script but dont work, have same problem, i think my php's scripts dont given the param1(id) to z-ots_comunication, and script cant give iten. - - - Updated - - - Shop admin to add offers itens i think this correctly, but shopsystem.php donto give id of item bought to...
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    Windows problem with shop

    SCRIPT shop.lua what lua codes?
  13. S

    Lua Demon oak problem!

    Script MSG console: 01:47 Something is wrong, please contact a gamemaster.
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    Windows problem with shop

    [11:7:15.131] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface] [11:7:15.132] data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua:onThink [11:7:15.132] Description: [11:7:15.132] data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua:41: attempt to compare boolean with number [11:7:15.132] stack traceback: [11:7:15.132]...
  15. S

    Lua Demon oak problem!

    Yes i am using. :/ But what script have the position? to me check?
  16. S

    Lua Demon oak problem!

    [Warning - Error::Demon Oak] Dead tree position is inside the quest area positio ns. Dead tree position (x: 32716, y: 32345, z: 7) North-West area position (x: 32705, y: 32342, z: 7) South-West area position (x: 32726, y: 32358, z: 7) Script will not work correctly, please fix it. Help...
  17. S

    Lua problem with shop.lua

    In z_ots_comunication he did not get the ID of the item (param2) (this don't get iten id) WHAT can be?
  18. S

    Lua problem with shop.lua

    My VIP items are delivered correctly, but other items such as blood or herb addon doll it's this error: My scripts is: -- ### CONFIG ### -- message send to player by script "type" (types you can check in "global.lua") SHOP_MSG_TYPE = 19 -- time (in seconds) between connections to SQL...