• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Search results

  1. S

    Arkharus died

    Sux combo ; /
  2. S

    Great Shield,

    NIce shamakius
  3. S

    Foreign at fib

    GZ Foreign
  4. S

    Fenrock Dl's!

  5. S

    Power Puff Pinglorna!

    Fucking Yew & Zang
  6. S

    Ghazbaran, 29.11.2009

    2632 nice xD
  7. S

    Nice house

    lok ;d
  8. S

    8.54 Winter update

    1 Demona fine 2 - Decrease UE damage for mages - Knight healing is already good maybe decrease little damage - Palidin : maybe smp could give more mana. Pally is the worst voc here i think he need better healing its will be still easy to kill. 3 Auction is great idea 1 house per account...
  9. S

    Swedish Down

    Nice eks.
  10. S

    Knight Power ;oooooo

    owned ;s
  11. S

    Demona Facil ;x

    LOLZ NICE TEAM ! Sux cam :D