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8.54 Winter update


Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Kristiansand, Norway
Greetings everyone,

We are working on the release which is about to start taking form. We have had some discussions insde the GM staff about certain stuff and would like the players to state their opinions. Please take time when posting your reply, we will be reading everything.

1. Do you wish to keep the TP that leads to demona? Or would just prefer if we remove it and keep it like normal. If you wish to keep the TP, would you like to see an increase making the passage from 1sqm to 2sqm. Meaning it would be harder to block the passage.

2. What is your thoughts about the healing system?
  • Knight's exura
  • Knight's exana mort
  • Knight's Ultimate healing potion
  • Knight's UH

  • Paladins's exura
  • Paladins's exura gran or vita
  • Paladins's exura san
  • Paladin's Strong healing potion or the Spirit potion
  • Paladins's UH

  • Druid's exura
  • Druid's exura gran or vita
  • Druid's exura sio and the mass healing
  • Druid's UH

  • Sorcerer's exura
  • Sorcerer's exura gran or vita
  • Sorcerer's UH

3. Would you like twitbeef to arrange so you could auction an house? This would of course be limited to a 2days auction for a house that is empty. If yes, would you like everyone to be able to have a house or do you think that 1house per players should only be allowed?

4. Would you like to keep the Amuletseller and Blesser in the temple, or would you like for them to be spread out like normally? Do you wish to remove AOL and just have blessings? Please give us information.

5. Is there something you feel that you need to be able to sell/buy from an NPC?

6. Is there any rules you think we should change/add?

Also for your information, we have made a change in the experience stage. People higher then level 300 will earn x2 as from normally.

Thanks alot for helping us!
GM Hani, GM Talaturen & GM Feloth.
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Greetings everyone,

We are working on the release which is about to start taking form. We have had some discussions insde the GM staff about certain stuff and would like the players to state their opinions. Please take time when posting your reply, we will be reading everything.

1. Do you wish to keep the TP that leads to demona? Or would just prefer if we remove it and keep it like normal. If you wish to keep the TP, would you like to see an increase making the passage from 1sqm to 2sqm. Meaning it would be harder to block the passage.

2. What is your thoughts about the healing system?
  • Knight's exura
  • Knight's exura gran or vita
  • Knight's exana mort
  • Knight's Ultimate healing potion
  • Knight's UH

  • Paladins's exura
  • Paladins's exura gran or vita
  • Paladins's exura san
  • Paladin's Strong healing potion or the Spirit potion
  • Paladins's UH

  • Druid's exura
  • Druid's exura gran or vita
  • Druid's exura sio and the mass healing
  • Druid's UH

  • Sorcerer's exura
  • Sorcerer's exura gran or vita
  • Sorcerer's UH

3. Would you like twitbeef to arrange so you could auction an house? This would of course be limited to a 2days auction for a house that is empty. If yes, would you like everyone to be able to have a house or do you think that 1house per players should only be allowed?

4. Would you like to keep the Amuletseller and Blesser in the temple, or would you like for them to be spread out like normally? Do you wish to remove AOL and just have blessings? Please give us information.

5. Is there something you feel that you need to be able to sell/buy from an NPC?

6. Is there any rules you think we should change/add?

Also for your information, we have made a change in the experience stage. People higher then level 300 will earn x2 as from normally.

Thanks alot for helping us!
GM Hani, GM Talaturen & GM Feloth.

A) demona still tp but the 2 sqm is very great idea
B) Healing on all vocations i think is good right now everyone can die by some ppl
C) house like its now is good
D) bless and aol its good idea to buy it from one npc also meybe stone skin amulets from 1 to 5 charge left
E) npc dont have anything about it

Also meybe tps to INQ quest
poi bosses and better loot then its now from boss like ferumbras,morgaroth,gazbharan

and stamina like on real tibia none will can bot all time!
::I think 2 sqm on demona its a good idea ...
::but knight's using exura gran and vita horrible idea because knight's already strong
and knight's using exura gran and vita are going to be invincible
:: Bless shouln't change...

This is what i think :]
Well, about demona, i think its ok using tp. i would like if u make passage of 2 sqms.
About healing system, i think its all ok.
House system its ok.
About amulet seller and blesser, should be great if u change stone skin amulet and might ring (full charges)
With npc i think we should be able to sell Magic Plate Armor to npcs.

You should put Yalahar Mission Quest.

And about experience stage, having 2x at lvl 300+ its bad idea. You should put it as it was, in 5x.

And you should fix Inquisition Bosses + Tps.
Fix Paladins Power, they are too weak.
You all idiots saying healing system is ok, its not why do you think most players quitted? It was because of the healing system especially the knights exana mort and uh healing. I want to see a change on that.

And add mpa to the shop it's been complains on that since softcores started

Everything else seems good maybe reduce the healing on every vocation a little bit, but the knights need to be reduced alot.

And I like the idea on 2 sqm on demona so it will be harder to block
Greetings everyone,

1. Do you wish to keep the TP that leads to demona? Or would just prefer if we remove it and keep it like normal. If you wish to keep the TP, would you like to see an increase making the passage from 1sqm to 2sqm. Meaning it would be harder to block the passage.

2. What is your thoughts about the healing system?
  • Knight's exura
  • Knight's exana mort
  • Knight's Ultimate healing potion
  • Knight's UH

  • Paladins's exura
  • Paladins's exura gran or vita
  • Paladins's exura san
  • Paladin's Strong healing potion or the Spirit potion
  • Paladins's UH

  • Druid's exura
  • Druid's exura gran or vita
  • Druid's exura sio and the mass healing
  • Druid's UH

  • Sorcerer's exura
  • Sorcerer's exura gran or vita
  • Sorcerer's UH

3. Would you like twitbeef to arrange so you could auction an house? This would of course be limited to a 2days auction for a house that is empty. If yes, would you like everyone to be able to have a house or do you think that 1house per players should only be allowed?

4. Would you like to keep the Amuletseller and Blesser in the temple, or would you like for them to be spread out like normally? Do you wish to remove AOL and just have blessings? Please give us information.

5. Is there something you feel that you need to be able to sell/buy from an NPC?

6. Is there any rules you think we should change/add?

Also for your information, we have made a change in the experience stage. People higher then level 300 will earn x2 as from normally.

Thanks alot for helping us!
GM Hani, GM Talaturen, GM Hakier & GM Feloth.

1#Demona fine as it is.

2# others fine but do something about knights.

3# Good idea to twitbeef but not good idea for newcomers.

4# aol/bless things fine as it is.

5# make Magic plate armors sellable to npc.

6# somebody caught botting=delete even if he didnt have any warnings. make multi-client legal!

heres my few wise things without any cents..
- Decrease knight healing and delete uhs for knights
- Decrease UE damage for mages
- Decrease Exevo mas san damage for paladins
- Decrease melee hits from knights!!!!

- Add quests and map areas.
- Add mpa to npc
- Delete Razino from your database since he is the main reason everyone quit this server.
1. Nobody really would want to run all the way down, let the tp stay



3. great idea, and it should only be 1 house per character, maybe account?

4. blessing for sure, it just sucks to have aol and bless :s

5. no, but maybe should be correct loot from djinns and rashid, also there should be some other small loot sellers maybe,

6. dno

7. reset server make a brand new softcores, icechaw, twinforce aka new thunderfall plis?

- Delete Razino from your database since he is the main reason everyone quit this server.

aehuasuhe, delete plis
krille, the blessing is a bad idea since people will then use "auto 100 equipammy 3081" < ssa. so it will be shithard to take down every vocation then
Decrease UE damage for mages, decrease melee hits from knights and increase damages lightly for paladins with assassins stars.
When do you think the server is up again

I wanna know when the server is up again becouse i became member for 1 hour ago and i wanna play becouse i cant play so much more so plz plz answer my question
Don't wanna discuss about healing, dmg and so but i wanna say what really bothers me = death

I think you should really decrease death penalthy, I died today without bless and Ive lost 7 lvls, it should be like on real tibia or something like that, especially now when u get 2x exp after lvl 300
Lets say you die on lvl 300 and u lose 2 lvls with blessings and to get these 2 lvls back u need several hours.
1 Demona fine
- Decrease UE damage for mages
- Knight healing is already good maybe decrease little damage
- Palidin : maybe smp could give more mana. Pally is the worst voc here i think he need better healing its will be still easy to kill.
3 Auction is great idea 1 house per account and to buy house you need 100 lvl .
4 Hmm i think that you could remove aols but now its good too.
Also for your information, we have made a change in the experience stage. People higher then level 300 will earn x2 as from normally.
Why now ??!! bad idea
Also i wannna see tps on inq to all boss and loot from boss should be better.
1 Demona fine
- Decrease UE damage for mages
- Knight healing is already good maybe decrease little damage
- Palidin : maybe smp could give more mana. Pally is the worst voc here i think he need better healing its will be still easy to kill.
3 Auction is great idea 1 house per account and to buy house you need 100 lvl .
4 Hmm i think that you could remove aols but now its good too.
Also for your information, we have made a change in the experience stage. People higher then level 300 will earn x5 as from normally.
Why now ??!! bad idea
Also i wannna see tps on inq to all boss and loot from boss should be better. :D
knight healing is bad make uhs heal 100~ and lower exana mort. then everything should be fine for knights
Great to see the GM's busy trying to improve the server!:thumbup:

1. keep the tp and make it 2 sqm

2. think pall's healing could be increased

3. great idea to get an auction for the houses! tho i would stick to 1 house per person/account

4. keep the blesser and aol seller in the temple, if you don't you will get whole shitloads of people waiting @ the blessers to kill people that don't have blessings yet. For example the blesser in kazordoon is a great place to trap and kill people. + keep it the old school way with aol and blesses instead of just blessings.

5. would be nice if mpa's get sellable

6. Since there is already a person 1000+, I think icechaw needs something where you cannot rook chars anymore to gain exp. if there is a system like this a restart will be required. or the people who have a high char by rooking their chars will have a huge benefit.
