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Search results

  1. D

    Where I Download Cyntara Client 8.5?

    i cant find it too.. ps. dementia's back :):)
  2. D

    Red this is four you

    six for u red xD when i logged after a mini war or a shit like that.. that my friend saul let me outside dying.. and thing like that, i appeared to fight back again, BUT WOW, I LOGGED WITH NO SET, no nm coat, no NOTHING, and u give BIP "his" items being redksull when he died? lol, will u be...
  3. D

    Red this is four you

    im no longer playing, whos idk how i loose all my items.. if zarz were a good GM he had already ERASED you, because U ALWAYS BOT IN THULS FATHER FROM FREE AREA, ALSO IN BKB VIP
  4. D

    Don't change my title D:

    what u talkin about skills, u use mw timer, and those stuffs, so stfu
  5. D

    Don't change my title D:

    statik has shit in the head, lol, i agree with royal, damn bro, nice ideas, and with funz, and u statik.. go read a psycology book:ninja:
  6. D

    @ the new war (Drakans team vs. Akalics team)

    Out im OUT of this war.. this DONT make sense:thumbup:
  7. D

    @ the new war (Drakans team vs. Akalics team)

    im out, this war is non-sense
  8. D

    @ the new war (Drakans team vs. Akalics team)

    side this is non - sense
  9. D

    The Final Straw.

    lol, answer doesnt bots.. even when the "brs" go attack answer, we set them a trap, ;P, i run to them, telling that answer's botting, just 2 laps to the circle, and they attack, then they fall death, and if i tell this or not, this wont make any difference, CUZ THEY ARE SO STUPID that they fall...
  10. D

    The Final Straw.

    not the same shit bro.. u_u
  11. D

    The Final Straw.

    miss lol.. k, i maybe did all this and insulted u because u always was killin me for NO REASON and u knew i was in ur side anyway .. my apologyze go suck other ppl, u talk & act like if u were the best of every1, the "friends" u got were bcuz u were the gm, u fuking power abuser, i hope u go...