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Don't change my title D:

everyone rebirth 30% for bring with us more pots in war...and now? NO POTS..thats sux..
Sorry for my ENGLISH ALAWYS.................................
Saul, u say that cuz all u kno to do is hold down on gmp hotkey nd get full mana.
ok i dunno why akalic would say mages are invincible... cuz GMP only heal 20k... while pallys and knights heall 100k with their pots, plus they have more cap, soo pallys and knights are the invincible ones.. and the GMP exhaust is shit, you have to wait like 2 seconds after you press the hotkey to pot, so gay when you die then pot and respawn with full mana....
Then I have a huge complaint! All monsters must be change and everything is now completely screwed up. Here is an example... The cyntara zone monster Red... is unkilliable without pots. Any mage can now only heal max of 2k mana... they are easily the worst vocation now. Cyntara has truly been ruined unless every monster is adjusted for no pots.
Dude its fine.. pots r garbage... red jus needs to work on voc balancing, and lower MR exhaust, nd its perfect.
Ive been spammin this all over forums,

Lower MR exhaust, lower ek/rp dmg, nd ots fine.

Dunno wut cud b done but PVM tho..

Loonatik ~~
Lol statik, U alawys die not me....and i never make UP/Down at stairs like you...(if im in balanced war)
U never die cuz u spam pots, me tho i never carry pots on me.
Nd if i do, its only 1-3 of them.
lol..yeah your ideas may work for JUST pvp... but when you want to make a chage for a server you must think what the change will do to the ENTIRE SERVER! If you think about it, every monster and quest is based on the assumption that the player will have the ability to use pots to heal. So if you wanted to change pots, you must change the ENTIRE SERVER! In other words go find a different server if you dont agree with pots because if pots change the server will not be Cyntara anymore. You are complaining about pots because you may not have the ability or cap to outlast someone who can hold more pots. Pots are very stragetic and a part of cyntara and the pvp. Someone who have 50 rebirths (especially now because rebirth damage is broken) should have some kind of advantage. In this case they can carry nearly 500 pots, which is completely fair for the work and time they put in.

U never die cuz u spam pots, me tho i never carry pots on me.
Nd if i do, its only 1-3 of them.

...and that is the reason you are unsuccessful in Cyntara.

Ive been tellin u pvp on here is spammin pots for a while now.

To help you understand this... Pots are the healing equalivalent ro RL Tibia UH's, or UHP's. Tibia IS a game of timing and spamming healing spells. Whoever has the best timing or best stragety to constantly heal himself will win the battle in the end. Guess what, a rich person on RL tibia who wants to survive to your "invincible" level will only need to buy UHPs and guess what he can stand their, spam pots, and survive. Because he can do this doesnt mean the Healing Potions should be taken out of RL Tibia. It is just an item used to survive in the game. And well, here in cyntara Pots are what people use to survive, so swallow your pride, go buy some pots and learn how to use them in battle and you will be on the same playing field as everyone else.

There is no point in arguing this topic, I could make a GIANT pros and cons list for both sides and I promise you its an easy decision as to what to do.
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cyntara alrdy has its healing, or is 10k~ hp of curaga not enuf for u?
i actually kinda like the idea if the Voc's get balanced the servers gunna turn out nice?
cyntara alrdy has its healing, or is 10k~ hp of curaga not enuf for u?

Before you attempt to flame me please understand what the argument is about. No where were we arguing about how pallies heal to much with churga so lets not start a new topic. This topic is on Potions so stay on topic.

Mages r fine, other than they need tot higherd...

MR exhaust needs to b a bit less, so we cud at least outheal an ek or rp..

+ Lower ek/rps dmg.

Wow... You are dumb as fuck when it comes to ideas. And truthfully it hurts me to say that. I never would think I would tell anyone that because its not right to shoot down someone's opinion. But in this case, you and honestly only you bother the fuck out of me. You never look into your idea and realize the outcome you propose. You complain because you dont want to adapt to the style of the server, then in complaining offer the worlds stupidest ideas without a reason how it would help the SERVER AS A WHOLE! When proposing a resolution to a problem you should have a valid reason why it will improve the problem, not make it worse.

I will be the first to admit any problems with my own voc, anyone elses's, or the servers problems, and when I do I try to help think of a reasonable answer to the problem.

What you fail to realize Statik, ALL damages in Cyntara are based on the fact people have pots to heal. Yes, a pally may be overpowered doing a combo for 8k, but now think how overpowered that seems if all you can do is heal 2k per second (or in your case "Lower exhaust" and heal for what 3.5k per second?). AND on top of that you want to raise TOT damage. I realize its bugged now, but imagine what you are asking for. If you had old TOT damage which everyone should have im not arguing that, but you want to take away pots dont you see the OUTRAGEOUS imbalance?!?! heal max of 3.5k but can damange 5k? You should never be able to damange in one turn more than you can heal... Hello, that is why there are pots, because you can heal more than damage. Then you say well if you heal more than damage then noone can die. Hence why pots are not unlimited, because they are used to save you, not to be your life support. lol Yes pallies and knights can heal alot with a churga. Yes pallies shouldnt be able to heal AS much as knights, but also what you fail to realize, mages are not meant to heal alot, and definately not for cheap.

Think of real life tibia... if a mage wants to battle he must use manashield for sure, along with a way to restore mana. So if you want it to be balanced like that here in cyntara, they should battle with manashield, and use pots to heal. Wow, thats what it was and it worked.

If it was your way, even with old TOT damage, do you realize mages would become even more underpowered than they already are?!

i actually kinda like the idea if the Voc's get balanced the servers gunna turn out nice?

Yes, Funz, I agree with you. There is balancing needed, but everyone must realize how pots are apart of Cyntara. Balancing needs to be done with damages of pallies, too much healing with churga for pallies, not enough healing for knights, honestly damage is fine, knights are intended to tank damage not deal. And mages need improved TOT damage to be the damage dealers they once were. All I am saying is that removing pots doesnt "balance" vocations in any way if anything you guys should realize how it destroys ALL vocations.

And all of this is just for PVP... Think about how destroyed this server is for any monster. Hey guys, lets go hunt legendary's.... Oh yeah, it was tough for mages before now they are impossible because they can drain mana for 20k, heal that with your low exhaust mana rune you fucking dumb ass. Or better yet, come help me kill red and try to use your "low exhaust manarune" and see how long you last.

This is the first time I have truly been angry at the community (a few people) with ideas proposed and the complaining. Cyntara has its faults which are fixed eventually, what ot doesnt have faults, but you want to destroy Cyntara then take away pots. Because everything in the server will need to be changed, and you know how long the last update took, imagine if red and his team had to redo the server just to remove pots, you would be waiting till next year to play Cyntara if you were lucky.

I hope people can at least understand the reasoning.
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statik has shit in the head, lol, i agree with royal, damn bro, nice ideas, and with funz, and u statik.. go read a psycology book:ninja:
Well i didnt read all of ur post, but from wut i did read ur sayin cyntaras pvp is based on how much pots u carry.. which takes not much skill..