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  1. Udun

    TFS 1.X+ Help with this script: Treasure Action.

    Hi guys! I'm having problems with this script. TFS 1.2, Tibia 10.98 Should do this: The player use a shovel (or any item of your election) and you can make a hole in any ground (grass, desert, snow etc.) could be a custom "hole" item, and you can hide items inside like a depot, then after a X...
  2. Sprrw

    Lua Hello folks! How would I go about an alternativ way of adding npc focus?

    So basically Im looking for ways to enter a npc convo without having to speak. Example: Enter a room and the npc says "Hello, and welcome. Please browse my shop". Idk if thats a super good idea but you kinda get the feel of it. Im asuming this is not doable thorugh a normal moveevent. Would this...
  3. Sprrw

    Lua Creating items on no ground tile

    Hello folks how would I go about adding an item in the air (so not on a ground tile). so atm Im trying to use doCreateItem(itemId, count, pos) and that works great when creating items on ground tiles but it doesnt seem to work like I want it to. Bonus question, is there any better looking way...
  4. Q

    Help with Shop delivery script - canary 2.6.1

    Hi guys, I have Canary 2.6.1 and myaac with Shop system by gesior. The payment system on the website works, u have points after purchase but the purchased items do not reach the client in store backpack Button. Im use: myaac-plugins/gesior-shop-system-latest at master ·...
  5. 44 Hunter

    TFS 1.X+ /attr uid not working

    Using.. The command /attr aid, 1234 works, but the command /attr uid, 1234 does not work, how to fix it? /attr unique, 1234 and /attr uniqueid, 1235 doesn't work either
  6. Sprrw

    TFS 1.X+ Simple boss system by me

    Hey guys, I made a simple boss system (as said in title).... xd Well with the help of you guys ofc! Well after a couple of hours of trail and error I came up with this. CreatureScript: (This script was inspired like 100% by someone, I cant remember who. If you recognise this script. Please hmu...
  7. Sprrw

    TFS 1.X+ Tfs 1.4+ cid:teleportTo(fromPosition, true) doesnt work

    As the title says, I cant get this to work. It does tp the player if I set a fixed value instead of the fromPosition. But I just cant get it to work Here is my code: function onStepIn(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if(cid:getStorageValue(28003) > 0) then if...
  8. potinho

    TFS 0.X Players staying online at training area - IP

    Hello guys, how are you? I dont know why, but recently, players are quitting game and staying online (just getting hitted by trainer, dont hit and not conjure spell), the area its not preventing to log-out. There's a way to prevent this? Here's my idle.lua local config = { idleWarning =...
  9. Mr Noxi

    Looking for lua scripter for TFS 1.4+ 10.98

    Yo ! As headline goes, am looking for a scripter for my project. I already have a main scripter and need someone that works as extra, smaller things, could also become as main if proven to be worthy and trustful ofcourse. Requirment: Mainly c++ Lua anything extra is always good, Payment...
  10. D

    TFS 1.3 8.6 MOUNT SYSTEM

    Hello, I'm looking to use the tfs 1.3 downgrade 8.6 mount system I already have a sprite added for testing, but when I use outfit.lookMount = ID it doesn't work. Can anyone shed some light on how to resolve this?
  11. K

    create a new tooltip in .lua otclientv8

    I'm implementing a rarity system on my server, but for that, it seems I need to do everything from 0 (since I can't find it anywhere around) One of the things in the rarity system that I want to do, is also to put the item description for when I hover over it. I'm doing it based on what...
  12. K

    Lua Request item that unequips after X seconds and goes back to bp

    Hello, I would like to know if anyone could help me with an item I need to make (actually there are 3 items, but if you can help me with any amount I will be immensely grateful) I've already added the item on the server and everything else, I put its ID and put it as ring, however, I would...
  13. K

    Topmenu bugging all

    I've been trying to solve this problem for about 5 hours and I finally decided to ask you for help... If I put the "20-topmenu.otui" in "styles" this happens: *note that the panel items are on the right and organized, but there is a black band around it, on the lower arrow, note that the...
  14. potinho

    TFS 0.X [LUA] Offer expire auction system - Not sending amount of items

    Hello everyone, everything good? I'm using the script from the post below but I found a bug: If an offer is for more then 1 items (20 SSA, for example) it only returns one within the parcel. Can you help me fix the script? function getPlayerNameByGUID(guid) local name = 0 local resultId...
  15. potinho

    Lua [TFS 0.X] Door with cooldown between use

    Hello everyone, everything good? I didn't find anything like it so I'm asking you: is there a way to put a cooldown on a door, where each player has a cooldown to open and cross it? I want each player to be able to access a certain room after "x" hours.
  16. potinho

    Lua [SOLVED] TFS 0.X No loose items or container bellow certain level

    Hello guys, how are you? I have this script to not loss experience bellow level 9 and remove AOL. I want to make a few change, not lose itens before level 60 (with ou without aol). I already have this script who not remove experience bellow level 9. function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)...
  17. potinho

    Lua [TFS 0.X] System Online Points

    Hi guys, how are you? Im looking for a system similar to this: https://otland.net/threads/system-online-points.250371/ local config = { storage = 20000, pointItemId = 2160, pointsPerHour = 1, checkDuplicateIps = false } local onlinePointsEvent =...
  18. potinho

    TFS 0.X [LUA] Svargrond Arena - Bug after jump in with GM

    Hello everyone, everything good? I'm using this @Gesior.pl Arena system, but I had a bug: When teleporting with the GM into the arena and trying to go to the next level, the players who came next to the arena bugged to go to the next teleport. Used system bellow...
  19. potinho

    Lua [TFS 0.X] Info Command - Error with specifics monster

    I have this script to show monster life, exp and loots: function ExistMonsterByName(name) -- by vodka local monster = io.open("data/monster/monsters.xml", "r"):read("*all") local get = monster:lower():match('name="' .. name:lower() ..'"') if get == nil or get == "" then...
  20. Czaja Ziom

    OTClient Boss Lever cd

    Hey, so script its working good, the small issue is i can return to boss after killing multiple times, how can i make on it timer 20h at least to kill boss again. I am pretty sure there is small bit missing halp! been working on in half day :D 1.3 TFS Version also how to make auto serv save...