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[7.4] <Faloria> Coming SOON! Thoughts?

Should be fun I'll definitely be playing it again. One thing though that really puts me off 7.4 is how terrible and expensive the manas are... I really think the manas should be based on 7.6 and above. Also, will their be a custom client with dx9 support? (Might have already been answered but didn't read the whole thing)

Yes we will have a custom client with DX9 and DX5 support, aswell as OpenGL.

Nah it is... I'm guessing (guessing) mastercores is based off of avesta..

if so it is using the 8.0 stair delay thing.

You gotta go in the sources and change stepticks or something to 1, instead of 2. I had to do this for my old server.

It should already be fixed.
Ok, great. What about the manas though, would you consider changing them? Maybe have a poll on it :D
Ok, great. What about the manas though, would you consider changing them? Maybe have a poll on it :D

Since barley anyone participated in our last poll regarding banns, I guess few people would actually bother to vote about this aswell. However I will look into it.
sorcs are overpowered with 7.4 formulas already giving them 7.6 fluids would make the gap between sorcs and other voactions even bigger <_<
please do NOT make manafluids have the 7.6 formula.

If you do, there is no more balance.

Leave 7.6 formulas to 7.6.
sorcs are overpowered with 7.4 formulas already giving them 7.6 fluids would make the gap between sorcs and other voactions even bigger <_<

please do NOT make manafluids have the 7.6 formula.

If you do, there is no more balance.

Leave 7.6 formulas to 7.6.

Actually your completly right. I wont mixture with them at all.
We will start the setup process now. The gameserver and the website is almost finished (we will use an old website to start with, while we develop a new, lighter and better looking one. But since we want to give you the server asap, and I guess most of you cba about the website anyways, we will start it with the old one)

Hopefully I will announce a date for the launch very soon!
We will start the setup process now. The gameserver and the website is almost finished (we will use an old website to start with, while we develop a new, lighter and better looking one. But since we want to give you the server asap, and I guess most of you cba about the website anyways, we will start it with the old one)

Hopefully I will announce a date for the launch very soon!

Ye! F**k the website! Let me boattrap naow!

Hopefully you won't set the date to launch a whole week away, I can't wait much longer.. *.*
Ye! F**k the website! Let me boattrap naow!

Hopefully you won't set the date to launch a whole week away, I can't wait much longer.. *.*
What sets this serv apart from tibianic-hr?

Please don't use a "super high tech website" like last time, cause it takes so long to load and its just more trouble than its worth imo
What sets this serv apart from tibianic-hr?

Please don't use a "super high tech website" like last time, cause it takes so long to load and its just more trouble than its worth imo

tibianic-hr was based on this server actually
Is to going to be like anyother 7.4 server out there with 2x xp? :)
Amoaz, could you show more screens ;]?
Should be fun I'll definitely be playing it again. One thing though that really puts me off 7.4 is how terrible and expensive the manas are... I really think the manas should be based on 7.6 and above. Also, will their be a custom client with dx9 support? (Might have already been answered but didn't read the whole thing)

The expensive mana fluids is what defines 7.4. It makes rune makers more viable, mana fluid hunting useless = all mages hunts with runes and mages more squishy in fights. If you don't like that you might as well make a custom spr for a 7.6+ server. ^^

- - - Updated - - -

Is to going to be like anyother 7.4 server out there with 2x xp? :)

Realots should come somewhere in December or around new year. I doubt it's 7.4 but it will probably have the atmosphere you are looking for, and someone could make a custom sprite. There are even Port Hope gfx in 7.4 style since it came in 7.5, before gfx update.

- - - Updated - - -

If you have Peroxide on your team you better customize the map. May it be just making a new city on Thais position or something, but better not waste talent.
Is to going to be like anyother 7.4 server out there with 2x xp? :)

Ive already written the stages, you can read that post here; http://otland.net/f251/7-4-faloria-coming-soon-thoughts-174012/index2.html#post1690206

Amoaz, could you show more screens ;]?

Ill post some more later, sure :)

If you have Peroxide on your team you better customize the map. May it be just making a new city on Thais position or something, but better not waste talent.

There will be no map edits, since I intend to keep it as real as possible. Only edits that will be made will be fixes for missplaced items or bugged areas. Also, Peroxide is indeed in our team, but as a in-game rule enforcer, and has nothing to do with the development.
you can count with me and some friends ;D I think you should change the ip name to Mastercores since its known for that instead of faloria, really good job znote and amoaz. the most important thing is to make sure that u can protect ddoses etc
You should open the server like 2-3 weeks before realots or else the community will be splitted
you can count with me and some friends ;D I think you should change the ip name to Mastercores since its known for that instead of faloria, really good job znote and amoaz. the most important thing is to make sure that u can protect ddoses etc

mastercores also got a lot of bad reputation (cuz the old "projectleader" was an idiot)
Well you requested some pictures, so I thought id give you a small update. Wasnt sure what to bring on picture, so please give me som suggestions if you want more.

Anyways, this is how the client is going to look (nothing fancy I know :< )

The minimap:

GM Island (just random pic since I had no clue what to picture^^)
