Not sure if you know but "afaik" means "as far as I know" I didn't indefinetly say there aren't others...
And I was honestly talking about 100% functionality 1:1. Not attempts and successful binary compilations.
If I'm not mistaken
@neptuno is the same individual that goes by Ryu on discord. A individual who sold the exclusive rights sources of said RE realots as complete at fully functional and promised to add/fix whatever was missing.
Well most of the things were indeed NOT functional and it is NOT complete by any means. It's was a crash fest and most of the functions did not even work at ALL.
If he by now has a complete and functional RE code then he better drop me a message cause he owes us. He did
NOT keep his promise and is banned from another OT community Discord server for this reason and other reasons which I will not go into.
It was so bad we decided to scrap the whole thing and start from scratch.
But if he wishes to redeem himself he is more than welcome to or you know refund money.