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[8.1&8.11][SQL]The Best War by Gesior (full!)


Mega Noob&LOL 2012
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
If you ever played on warots-pl.hopto.org you know how it look :)
Yes, it's SQL war server. Work with MySQL and SQLite databases. Low CPU (celeron 1.2GHz - 150 players online without lags!) / RAM (40-70MB) use.

-very stable and fast engine [no lag/restarts] - The Forgotten Server 0.3, good for 100-200 players online :)
-UNDEAD players - player after die isn't logged out, teleport :)
-5 maps [Fibula, Venore, Edron, Thais, "Sahara - open battle" - all modified for war server, auto change map every X minutes (config), you can add you maps
-250 characters from 6 RL Tibia worlds(125 vs 125 players), 2 teams, 3 worlds vs. 3 worlds
-auto balance (login 1/1 - auto choose team)
-team mode - player can't attack/hit his teammates
-great spells/vocations/items config - balanced vocations, no UE spam all time, knights don't die like newbies
-level limit and all players outfit in config.lua
-old runes/MFs (not potions, but give 200-380 mana), new knight&pall hits by weapons(high), all 8.1 spells
-some extra effects when kill, BP SSA for every kill (players don't drop loot :/ )
-full light all time (not day/night)
-fixed spells config and burst arrows - now burst arrows are for sorc/druid, not paladins
-online database generator - no more problems with SQLite database editor
Gamemaster commands:
!map "id - change map to map with ID X (value 1-5)
!frags and !kills -show player his stats
!teams - show stats of teams and teams names, autobroadcast every map change, reset teams score when map change
!top5 - if player say that - it show him top 5 fraggers list, if GM - broadcast this list, auto broadcast every 5 min (LUA scripts)
/B yourtext - broadcast msg
/kick Name - kick player
/banip Name - ban IP of player and kick him
/ghost - GM disappear, players can move thru him, don't see him/when he teleport, just see text when he talk :P
Gamemaster account:
Login: 22
Password: gmaccount
Character: Hoster Gesior
All players and accounts are in file "war.s3db". It's SQLite database, not MySQL. You don't have to import anything in phpmyadmin or other program! Just run .exe file and server work!
If you want change name of GM, make more GMs or change password to GM account:
1. Close server (press ctrl+alt+del and check is it really closed!).
2. Open: http://warots-pl.hopto.org/online_db_editor/index.php
3. Put names of GMs and password to GM account in form, press "Generate data".
4. Download file war.s3db from generated link, save in folder with server (replace old file).
5. Run server again - login on your new GM account/character!
GesiorWar 1.0 for Windows - console and normal version (sources included) [7 MB]
GesiorWar 1.0 for Linux [debian 4.0 etch - executable file "server"] (sources included) [5.2 MB] - it show error about something with memory when I try to run it, maybe you know how to fix it
Sources of GesiorWar 1.0 with DevC++ project
Libraries needed to compile on Debian 4.0 ETCH:
apt-get install subversion autoconf automake make g++ libxml2 libxml2-dev libxml++2.6-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dev libboost-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-thread-dev libmysql++-dev libgmp3-dev liblua5.1-sql-mysql2 liblua5.1-sql-sqlite2 liblua5.1-sql-mysql-dev liblua5.1-sql-sqlite-dev libsqlite3-dev && wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/asio/boost_asio_0_3_9.tar.gz && tar -xf boost_asio_0_3_9.tar.gz && cp -ar boost_asio_0_3_9/boost/* /usr/include/boost/ && g++ boost_asio_0_3_9/libs/system/src/error_code.cpp -c -o /usr/lib/libboost_system.a
To compile use command "make" in folder with sources (it make executable file "TheForgottenServer").
Very good Gesior, I'm hosting old version but I'll change now ;)
Thank you very much Man ;*
nice, but one problem, Me and my friend wanted to host an server and found this. Now we have made each gm, but im(hoster) is the only one who can log on the chars my friend get debug as soon as he try to log in any gm char. Help please.
Hey Gesior U said u can add more maps in Config, but that isnt true there is nothing about the map in the config. Can you Fix it :)

nice, but one problem, Me and my friend wanted to host an server and found this. Now we have made each gm, but im(hoster) is the only one who can log on the chars my friend get debug as soon as he try to log in any gm char. Help please.

I have same problem too

Please fix both :) Thanks alot

another bug: I cant do /banip!
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Hey Gesior U said u can add more maps in Config, but that isnt true there is nothing about the map in the config. Can you Fix it :)

I have same problem too

Please fix both :) Thanks alot

another bug: I cant do /banip!
.../data/global.lua, at end of file is script to change maps, if you understand LUA scripts you can add more maps
GM must use tibia 8.11 always (8.10 - debug), players can use tibia 8.10 and 8.11
Thanks Alot and what about the command: /banip
It dont work :(
Or i do something wrong :p
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llua5.1-sql-sqlite
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [theforgottenserver] Błąd 1

Compiling at Ubuntu ;/
Is this really stable?
I had uptime 50 hours.
Maybe tommorow new version:
- for client 8.2 - 8.22
- auto balance (config)
- player can't hit his teammates (config)
- undead system (teleport to tample when player die - not logout/close BPs)
- players drop loot, but don't lose items! (copy of loot)
- auto map change
- show top5 fraggers every X minutes (config)
- show frags in soul
- you can configure maps easy now
Actual war config file:
-- easy config
-- time in seconds
-- normal = player can capture the flag always, old = player can capture the flag only when his team flag is on spawn
CTF = "old"
-- advanced config for admins who edit map
-- typ: 1 = team deathmatch, 2 = capture the flag, 3 = quest
MAPS = {
Every map can be played as Capture The Flag map and Team Deathmatch map, when player die/logout flag go back to spawn.
id = id of map when you use !map "
team1 = ID of city where team1 spawn (temple)
team2 = ID of city where team2 spawn (temple)
team3 = ID of city where GMs/GODs and priv characters spawn (temple)
name = name of map
typ = type of map
time_sec = after how many second auto-change map (1200 - 20 minutes)
flag1uid = UID of flag1 on this map (flag of team 1) - use only when "typ=2"
flag2uid = UID of flag2 on this map (flag of team 2) - use only when "typ=2"
Flag 1 place in map editor must have ActionID: 11111 and special UID to config
Flag 2 place in map editor must have ActionID: 22222 and special UID to config
SQLite database work FINE! You can login on character Sample 1 in game and change his eq, then all sorcers will have same EQ. You can edit database with my database editor when server work! :)
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New version of server is online.
IP: gesiorserv.hopto.org OR warots-pl.hopto.org
PORT: 7171
Client: 8.2 - 8.22
Report bugs, I'll post server today when I fix all bugs.