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About time to fix the healling


New Member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Spic Land
i think its getting a bit ridiculous, and the server is dying. more and more people are quiting.
look at razino, he just bots all day.. my team of 5 people cant kill him, let alone out hit his exana morts..

just answer
what the fuck were you thinking when you made these healings? rofl
Lol, it's not the healing that should be fixed, their attack should be lowered. Yesterday a level 210 EK solo'd me on a 144 ED.. that's 855 hp at once.. so pathetic -.-
Lol, it's not the healing that should be fixed, their attack should be lowered. Yesterday a level 210 EK solo'd me on a 144 ED.. that's 855 hp at once.. so pathetic -.-

i agree tho im a knight but they should lower the damage and lower the exana mort heals to much
Lol, it's not the healing that should be fixed, their attack should be lowered. Yesterday a level 210 EK solo'd me on a 144 ED.. that's 855 hp at once.. so pathetic -.-

I had exactly the same. Since those new spells knights are very fast and too powerfull.
haha lol ... kuvertina is right , he is 360 ek and u wanna kill him with 5 guys ? LOL?
I think the exana mort and damage is correct , so why the mage hit's 600 and 700 with ue at lvl 200+ ...
Exana mort healing 1000+ = correct? You need atleast 4 mages to just hit out he's exana mort heal, let alone uhp + exana mort...

And it's fucking pathetic a 200+ ek can solo a 150 mage.. change the attack lol, they're blockers, not killing machines ;)
i heal 480-600 with my exana mort and its to much they should fix it so its max 200

uhp is ok 800-1000