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Account manager issues.


New Member
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
so on my server i am trying to get running, my account manager keeps on saying "
20:40 Account Manager: Do you want to change your 'password', request a 'recovery key', add a 'character', or 'delete' a character?
20:40 Account Manager: What would you like as your character name?
20:40 Account Manager: Whateveripick, are you sure?
20:41 Account Manager: Should your character be a 'male' or a 'female'?
20:41 Account Manager: A male, are you sure?
20:41 Account Manager: A player with this name already exists, please choose another name.
that's an example what ever name i pick he keeps on saying it already exist, there's a minor issues tho there is no characters existing atm anyone know what the error might be?