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Andreas Photoalbum


Just looks sorta strange with the stairs half stone half ice.
I guess he just wants you guys to say how awsome it is, thats why he thinks it sucks ;D
That's great Andreas, maybe not te environmente, but the gate is great!
It's neat, only thing I dislike is the ramps ;o
Or me :D
We needa work on a project sometime.. D;
Whatever happened to Leftwing?

Nice mapping anyway :D
Don't miss Magnetico, he's gay and he will probability want to have sex with u now
just kidding
great to have u back
Leftwing kinda' died, Peroxide. XD We gotta start a project or either enter to one that's almost online and donate maps and map for'em, 'cause 3 mappers and no scripters kinda' doesn't work out. XD