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Andreas Photoalbum

Aww, looks cool but the secret passage doesn't work. You'll end up in the cavewall meaning, you can't go up. :p

Haha loved the dragon pieces.
Sucks how you can't even exani hur up the secret passage D:
Well I read what what peroxide said in his thread
Haha, I don't care about releasing them or not, maps are worthless no matter how bad or good they look. They're just pixels put together a certain way for people to play a game.
So I mean, they'll probably goto a friend but even If I released them, it'd be good to see servers using things.

And I kinda agree with him. I have tons of mapping that I dont use, And I guess it's better that it's used by someone that just stored in my computer.
So maybe I'll release it or give it to a server :)
PM me if you are intrested in maybe getting some pieces or want me to map some little thing for you :)
All I demand is that it will be used =)

And you wont have to pay for it, but if you want to I wont say no :eek: xd
Deslike it... You're pretty noob man, seriously. :/

JK, I pretty much like it. ;)