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Andreew's showoff


Humble mapper.
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
Since my previous thread is mostly dead links/pictures and i can't edit them i start a new one.

Hello boys and girls.
In this thread i will post pictures of my maps, i might upload images of old maps aswell from my previous thread at times.

hope you like what you see.

@scheisse, Thanks man! glad you liked it. more will come eventually :)
@dami1310, Thanks dude! :)
@eiserne festung, dude i actually have the same problem! cant find any roofs that i like but this one fits the color palette that i wanted to have the most so it kind of works out if you dont look at them too much ;) thanks for the comment and feedback tho mate!
@Knightware, its comming ;) slow and steady haha.

I like your style a lot. And these bridges are cool, didn't see it before.
This for a project? Or you just casually mapping? :D

Anyways, I like it :]. Custom sprite of that dwarvish face entrance?
@dami1310, thanks mate, means a lot! well i can't take all credit for it, saw it some years ago, cant remember who made it tho sorry ;)
@FenX, Just plain boring casual mapping ;) but most of it is on the same map so to say. but will most likely never finish all of it. glad you liked it however and no custom sprites, 100% tibia sprites only ;)

@dami1310, thanks mate, means a lot! well i can't take all credit for it, saw it some years ago, cant remember who made it tho sorry ;)
@FenX, Just plain boring casual mapping ;) but most of it is on the same map so to say. but will most likely never finish all of it. glad you liked it however and no custom sprites, 100% tibia sprites only ;)


That's very noice :D.
@Andréew You're very talented! Your randomness algorithms are working pretty great 🤩

You're using them better than Cip :p

100%, Cip can't even fix blank tiles on map in plain sight >.<
@Fox Rother, thanks dude! dont get the algorithms thing but i will take it as something positive i guess ;)
@FenX, Thanks dude.
@TrevorLuciferus, glad you liked it! hope you will like what is comming in the next few weeks :)

Well you guys can say whatever you want about cipsoft's mapping and i do agree to some extent but cipsoft map is actually not bad, it looks bad and can be decorated a lot better but its very hard to get a map to kind of fit together with everything. (now im talking mainland and old rook and shit not the newer crap)
Knightmare (the guy who made old rookgaard.) for example is in my eyes a fucking genius. he created a myth about this sword of fury and people have been trying for over 10 YEARS to figure out how to get it. thats amazing. or people are stupid i dont know ;)
cipsoft has a lot of great things with their map, i just wish like you guys said that they used their sprites in a more creative way.
but i sure do use cipsofts map for inspiration more often then people might think.

anyway, another contest is in the making, i wish everyone who participate good luck and im very curious of what everyone comes up with!
here is my winning piece from last contest.
just for a little bump ;)

@Kaspar Thanks dude! super glad you liked it, i actually like it a lot myself.
@eiserne festung haha yeah! if i remember it correctly you still got the win tho ;)
haha yeah they really do.



(fuck i got so mad, i thought i had the Grove keeper outfit and it would fit this magical forest so much but i didn't so old druid outfit it is.. lucky bambi is with me atleast.)


(bonus, here is my entry to december mapping contest)