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[Archived] "[Quick Showoff] Post your latest maps"

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Avenged-Eternity Town: Solare.
Made By me.
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Just so we don't annoy some people, zooming out and including the whole window are a no-no. xD I think there's an extremely anal tutorial about screenies for mapping xD

In regards to the mapping, the roofs and such look good, shape is a little off overall, use some grass tufts, small plants, small stones on the pathways maybe. just some ideas.
Also, I know it's really painful at first, but avoid using terrain. Use raw as much as possible and avoid autoborder. It makes things the way it feels they should be but in reality there's so many more creative combinations possible when using raw for bordering. :3
xD Well raw is a great tool. I used raw for the entire city revamp in Infernus D: took me like a week but it looks great now
just big squares everywhere, try deform the shape more, and needs tufts and cracks and debris .... 3/10
Thanks, i'm not done Detailing cities, mostly just making it ONLINE worthy then ill add detail when im done the Essential, I appreciate your honesty and ill Use raw and Add debris, Flowers, Grass Tufts and such after im done main stuff.. i like making everything Perfectly Symetrical.. I don't like deforming buildings, but ill give it a try.. thanks :p
He also means the grounds. There's no exotic shaping to the ground. It's like a perfect rectangle in many cases. No curved pathways, no curved shorelines. I'm guilty of it too, I know. xD Like there's turns in the paths but no like... Randomness. It's all in perfection. The physics of the world aren't perfect :3 Everything is misshapen in some way or another
i mean the borders that touches the water, it's just straight...
Other than doodad for the rocks, it looks pretty fancy xD how come I haven't even seen this before? xD
Oh right. When I get cash I'm gonna get Elf's. Stian recommends it and he's a smarty pants xD
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