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[Archived] "[Quick Showoff] Post your latest maps"

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Seems like its missing some ground detail (not rocks or anything, just 1 or 2 muddy floors that make you walk abit slow) still 9.9/10
But that's an ingame screenshot. Servers generally randomize the grounds anyways.

Dunno how to upload it correctly, but I am working with two other guys on a project named "addonia" at my free time.
A city / village will be organised at monsters you have to kill for an addon or task..
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Looks nice. Love how it takes like 5 minutes to load the picture on my browser xD
looks pretty cool, my only problem is that the ruin doesn't have any kind of building's shape, it's meant to be the remains of what was a fine building, nothing there makes any structural sense... but that's just me ;)
(this is at Sentielo btw)
Looks sweet Decretis :)
I really like this thread. Its fun to look on the first pages of this thread. Nearly all maps was kinda bad and lack of creativity. The only one that really stand out from the crown was Neon with his mass of details that some hated, and some was very inspired that we can see today :)
Cheers for the ot community!
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