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[Archived] "[Quick Showoff] Post your latest maps"

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Don't mind the black/open space.

Edit: I have a question for you guys
Here's the minimap of the city so far:

Should the size be symetrical? Not counting the tile in the center of the city it's 100x100m, do you think it should be uneven, longer/shorter on some sides etc?
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Don't mind the black/open space.

Edit: I have a question for you guys
Here's the minimap of the city so far:

Should the size be symetrical? Not counting the tile in the center of the city it's 100x100m, do you think it should be uneven, longer/shorter on some sides etc?

Only problem if you do symetrical - well as I do - mirrorwise with 1 mainroad dividing the mirror is that you'll end up with problems.
Though looks like ur not doing it like that. but it's HOT what you've created this far! Glad to see a finally pleasant town which makes me eager to continue my own. Add my MSN
That is really nice. With the symmetry, if you have a walled city it shouldn't be a problem.
That is really nice. With the symmetry, if you have a walled city it shouldn't be a problem.
Unless you go by mirror symetrical.

But no - symetrical is the best way to build a town. People really don't like to sidestep or spam (for example) south-east or south-west as Svargrond.
Plus overall IMO, the city looks more majestic with symetric roads and structure.

But yeah - as Komic said; Please do make the citywalls as soon as possible if you intend to have any at all. Will make your whole planning loads easier.
Thanks guys :D This is the best feedback I've ever gotten, gotta say it makes me wanna map more :p
I'm working on the city, my biggest problem is making streets/blocks because I never know how big to make them.
And yeah, I'm planning on having walls, but some parts won't such as the harbour, the castle and the magic academy.
Again, thank you guys so much for all the good feedback! :D
Edit: Also, the city is in very loose "districts" The southeast portion is a trade district with a marketplace and the harbour, the northeast has the castle, barracks, jail, guardhouse and the arena entrance so it's kind of a militant distrcit. The northwest has the temple, the library, part of the magic academy and an exit and it's kinda like an educational district, and the southwest has a few shops and mainly houses.
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I wouldn't make them more than 5 sqm wide, will look very empty. xd
I wouldn't make them more than 5 sqm wide, will look very empty. xd
For example, you know from my city there's a road with abt 5 sqm or more wide street. You also know that's the mainstreet. All the cities have one of those and it's slightly larger than the rest. Apart from Venore on Realtibia - fail...
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