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Scripter Balancer, Spell-Maker and advanced LUA scripter


Retired Snek
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
I'm looking for an advanced LUA scripter (raids, automated events, advanced movements/actions/creaturescripts) a spell-maker (unique spells) and a spell/vocation balancer.
I can offer staff positions on my server, Avenged Eternity or I can pay with cash via PayPal, whichever is your preference. I pay by the job and rates depend on the extensiveness of a job, the quality of it, and the efficiency of it. (Eg. If you make a system with 1000 lines, when it could easily be 250 by using something more efficient like tables and/or variables, it won't be worth as much to me, if I accept it at all.)

Reply here, drop me a visitor message or send me a private message if you're interested.

Balancer: none
Advanced scripter: hired
Spell-maker: none
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I'm willing to take up a postion as a Vocation balancer. I'm an experinced Tibian, have vast knowledge in scripting and willing to optimize vocations & classes for fair play.
I would like to inform that I lately returned to Tibia, I use to have advanced scripting knowledge, though since I stopped I won't be AS reliable. I do have knowledge in other languages, such as PHP, HTML, CSS, XML & PAWN with a previous background in LUA. I'm getting back into it, playing with scripts et cetera so I may be able to fill more than one position in a matter of weeks / days.

You can contact me through private message or MSN: [email protected]
~Kind Regards,
yo idk if im advanced scripter but i can fix most errors in scripts and i can with a little time depending on the script get any script but im very busy and i cant be on 24/7 till summer other than that as long as your not a douche im fine with helping (i do host a small little server mainly for testing purposes)

P.S. idc witch payment you choose if you pick me and if you want some sort of test just tell me what to do and ill give it ago
Well I'm an intermediate scripter and I can fix errors and make most scripts myself, but there's a margin of advanced issues that I can't do myself, which is why I'm lookin' to pay someone.
Like automated events keeping track of monsters within an entire city, and those monsters having different skulls (white, yellow, red, black and none), and having an array of 10 cities each tracked individually, and awarding points to the killer of each monster depending on the target skull, and remove points if the target has yellow or no skull. I'm already paying someone for that one, but that's the extent of the middle difficulty of scripts I would be paying for.
i see im not that good yet lol but if you need help just pm me ill do it for free unless you feel like paying me
I think i've seen someone who fits in all of those options... But i can't remember his name.... :3
Alright, if you could PM me your contact info, I'll be sure to get in touch with you tonight when I get home from school.
Hi stop by my server, it has an average of 7-15 players on a day (not weekdays 3-6), If ure good and I find u usefull than maybe u can have a pos on the staff (all scripters on my server get god) so yah contact me at:
[email protected]