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Banned for... Blocking the way???????

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New Member
Dec 19, 2008
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I was on exp at ank dl´s and then some player came and started to ks my drags so i traped him using exevo grav vita and then GM Vanderlay appeard and banished me for blocking the way???
I have read the rules but there´s no rule like Dont block the way or Dont use exevo grav vita.
Same think happened to me like 100 times and i havent called Gm to ban those players. -.- :mad:
Rule 5: blocking off areas
We do not tolerate that you block off an area to make it impossible to pass, if it is possible to attack the character which is blocking the way it is not considered illegal since you can kill the player.
The Wild Growth's wouldn't disappear if he killed you.
So everytime i use wild growth i can get ban? Because It wont disapear even if i die...
Isn't the whole point of wild growth to block off people? Instead of banning people for using a spell for whats its for, they should maybe consider fixing the bug of it not disappearing instead? Atleast give a warning.. I have played this ot for months, and I didn't know it doesn't disappear if you die even.. Think its idiotic banning someone for something like that.. That rule is basicly for blocking off boats etc (situations where you can't do shit about it, becouse of pz blocking it etc..)
The Wild Growth's wouldn't disappear if he killed you.

And if i put a magwall between us, he can't kill me either. Should I get banned for that? I mean, I am blocking it off, and he can't kill me becouse of the magwall.. Or maybe I should be banned if I got to much hp for him to be able to kill me? This is getting a bit redicilous if you ask me..
I think main problem is that player who i blocked was Gm´s friend..
Ye, what the fuck is this bullshit? He should not get banned because of using a wild growth?
He could kill me...

1) He could not kill you, as he was unable to reach you, as those trees were in the way.

2) You were trapping him inside the cave, not outside, as you state that hes killing your monsters? Then how come you trap him so he can still be in the cave lol..

3) If you want to bring up an argument like "lol i thought they'r supposed to block blabla" well yeh sure, they are supposed to block, but not TRAP. It's an total diffirent case if your in war or a battle. Also, if you wanna hang up on that argument, then should i not allow players to walk? As they can block etc?.. It just doesnt seems right.
You've just blown my mind away Vanderlay, I'm sitting here laughing at your post. This is just hillarious, just a fucked up reason to ban someone for.

If you now, in this case being "trapped" in the cave, log out for a couple of minutes and the guy, so called "trapping, will have left because he gets bored.
Just not a good reason to ban someone for lol.
1)Trees were in a way?? U can shoot trought trees.
2)I wanted to exp up so i blocked him down.
3)If he really wanted to leave, he should ask me I would let him go..
Isn't the whole point of wild growth to block off people? Instead of banning people for using a spell for whats its for, they should maybe consider fixing the bug of it not disappearing instead? Atleast give a warning.. I have played this ot for months, and I didn't know it doesn't disappear if you die even.. Think its idiotic banning someone for something like that.. That rule is basicly for blocking off boats etc (situations where you can't do shit about it, becouse of pz blocking it etc..)

Totally agreed on this one
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originally posted by fandango
isn't the whole point of wild growth to block off people? Instead of banning people for using a spell for whats its for, they should maybe consider fixing the bug of it not disappearing instead? Atleast give a warning.. I have played this ot for months, and i didn't know it doesn't disappear if you die even.. Think its idiotic banning someone for something like that.. That rule is basicly for blocking off boats etc (situations where you can't do shit about it, becouse of pz blocking it etc..)

Seriously GM(s).. Get your shit together, before you ruin the server by bullshit banishments.. Consider the ripples in the water from a single drop! Bullshit ban makes one person quit, so his friends quit. They move to another server, and their friends here follow.. If you keep up these nonsence banishments, soon to many have quit to turn the tide! I mean, if this is whats ahead of you, whats the point? Your the law enforcers on this server. When they go "corrupt", its an uphill battle keeping the players!
wtf this shit is bullshit, the gm must be a friggin noob, ppls trap each other every minute in wars, battles, tryin to survive pks, etc dumbest thing i ever heard

if u trap ppls in war u dont get banned
if u trap away pks tryin to kill u, u get banned?
i can go on like this forever
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