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Breast Cancer Awareness Month


thank you based god
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Hello everyone.
Just bringing to light that this month is breast cancer awareness month, which means I'm encouraging EVERYBODY to wear some pink!

If you've seen me around you know my boots are always pink so I didn't have to change much, but just show some support for the cause. I know that it wont bring about a cause nor will it really raise any money to help with that, but it's about AWARENESS. E.g. if someone says "hey douchebag, why you wearing pink? Gay or something?" You should ignore their gaybashing and tell them it's to support breast cancer awareness and maybe even encourage them to do so.

EDIT: This is the only month I will not kill you for wearing my outfit.

Im in :p, ill start from tomorrow. (to wear it in rl) not ingame lmao
Thanks for all of the support!
The idea came from a few threads on real Tibia forums for those of you who PMed me to ask. =]
Thank you for being open about this. Raising awareness, which leads to catching cancers earlier, is clearly a good thing.