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[Canada] [8.60] DeathZot | 99% Custom Map | 22 Vocations | Over 200 New Items | Prestige | Dungeons

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people have a false sense of pride in claiming what their bot has accomplished they to have accomplished simply because they told the bot to do what it did. dont even argue on the matter of botting, you wont win with these people. got better luck convincing a religious person about Evolution.

on a different note.. why the fuck.. is every single fucking day i log in, my healing a different value in !me......... i dont use regen gems.... and at 5k i was at like 200k. 6.5k when i checked i was like 230k. im 7.5k now and its fucking telling me 170k...... fix your fucking shit Xagul...

I just read throught 20 pages to see you complaining. missed that mr obama
You can't complain about content cause you don't play the game, your bot does. Are you actually amused with the server or are you just botting INCASE things change? Seems like its the latter cause as you say: "when it comes, i will go there, untill then t9 set gogo".

Why complain about content when it's coming. They told us that rebirth was coming, it came, a better way to do maps, also came. They've also said hey, new shit coming soon, "hopefully" by the end of this week. That's why I say cut them some slack.
Also, I do play the server and have played the server. :\ the botting allowed, maybe you should try it?

people have a false sense of pride in claiming what their bot has accomplished they to have accomplished simply because they told the bot to do what it did. dont even argue on the matter of botting, you wont win with these people. got better luck convincing a religious person about Evolution.

No false sense of pride buddy. Just a statement, besides my fellow botter, what do you mean "these people" I find that statement racist!
Time to put like.. a limit to 3 mc chars or something like that?

Example of current shit:

9 mc chars
It's funny how you make a screenshot without their names and claim it to be 9 mcs. Even without the names everybody can see that it are illusionists and thus that it are 5 chars, not 9. No idea why you would make false statements about this. But yes, there are people with many mcs. I used to run 8 clients, but brought that back to 3 since the 7k+ content update came.
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Alright question time:
Where's the new content?

Honestly, the server feels so boring right now.
There is absolutely nothing to do at the moment. There is no exciting or challenging quests, everything is walk here and click here for XXX.
There is no bosses that require any teamwork or some sort of strategy to go for.
No one does any PVP other than kill bot, wait for 3 friends of said bot to come and kill you - or nothing happens and u keep exping (or should I say botting).
Every single day the same old stuff. Login, do some keys, turn on cavebot and tab out.

What's the point If I may ask? What are we all leveling (if you can call it that lol) for? Last thing that came out was rifts and they are TERRIBLY designed and only up to 2k when there's people at 13k~.
Is it just me who doesnt see the point in this? I like the idea and thought behind the basic concept of the server but its so incomplete that it makes me cringe.

Is the point of the server to simply bot for all eternity? Cause so far, atleast to me, it seems like it. Spice things up, add some real challenges, stuff to bound up the community and to make people to group up and go after something. Only then will we see a decent community, some conflicts will start arising and it'll make everything more interesting for everyone.

Last but not least, dont make whatever challenge you come up with so easy. Not easy as in the way it was done but easy as in you teleport people to the place, show a video of how its done and help people with the way. You basically spoiled everything with Ice Fisco and handled it BADLY. Should probably be called Ice Fiasco instead of Fisco.

edit: typo

First off calm down. Xagul and I have put an insane amount of hours into DeathZot up unto the release and continued to work on it since it came out. We cannot keep content out for those who choose to play our server 24-7 and try to rush through content, it's just not possible. The last time we released something challenging it only lead to bitching (Fisco).

Secondly alls you suggested was "add stuff thats challenging" - because that's really helpful? Do you not realize you can't just think of great ideas out of thin air? Instead of suggesting "make the server more fun, add stuff that's fun and challenging" ACTUALLY suggest meaningful ideas that we can do something with.
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First off calm down. Xagul and I have put an insane amount of hours into DeathZot up unto the release and continued to work on it since it came out. We cannot keep content out for those who choose to play our server 24-7 and try to rush through content, it's just not possible. The last time we released something challenging it only lead to bitching (Fisco).

Secondly alls you suggested was "add stuff thats challenging" - because that's really helpful? Do you not realize you can't just think of great ideas out of thin air? Instead of suggesting "make the server more fun, add stuff that's fun and challenging" ACTUALLY suggest meaningful ideas that we can do something with.

Time to be an asshole :D.

List of suggestions that have already been made by me or other people:
  1. Telegraphed Attacks (Creature says spell-words, then casts spell after a delay (so you can dodge it).
  2. Party Hunting Areas (no, not more max-health like minotaurs, actual monsters that require a brain cell)
    1. Example1: Create a monster that heals other monsters, and uses impact shot. (You can't reach it solo, and it heals all other monsters = solo person loses every time, especially if there is more than 1)
    2. Monsters that do anti-solo player spells. For Example, a 2 second stun + Delayed 1 second 1 hit spell. (Your team would need to Mwall between you and the monster to stop the spell from 1 hitting you)
    3. There are millions of other ways to make team-hunt monsters interesting.
  3. Fix Keys (Maps are currently Private Boss Spawns, this means you can GAIN FROM SAFETY, the #1 most stupid thing in the world) but at least you HAVE to go get maps from hunting, BUT KEYS are infinite, meaning you never have to leave the safety of your house.
    1. Way to fix keys Example1: Make it a task rather than a boss, (You have to do something other than kill 1 monster, and make it randomized so a bot can't do it 100% successful every time)
      1. Example of Tasks1: (Kill 3 bosses, bring their loot to an alter, put all 3 boss items on alter, it summons a super-boss, that boss drops the loot)
      2. Example of Tasks2: (Kill all monsters in the area, once the last monster is killed the boss will spawn)
      3. Example of Tasks3: (Protect the VIP, you spawn with a summoned Princess, and monsters spawn and try to kill it)
    2. Way to fix keys Example2: MAKE THE T3 BOSSES 100x HARDER. Are you fucking kidding me? I can kill 5 T3 bosses AT THE SAME TIME in 1 minute, and loot an instant 1-2 T5 items? I can't even do that with T2 fucking bosses. T3 bosses SHOULD BE TEAM-Hunt Bosses. (Extremly fucking powerful, with tons of hp and regeneration, and 1 hit mechanics, and admin xagulz trying to /r you the entire time and you have to dodge that shit)
    3. Way to fix keys Example3: Make it so keys have charges. (When you use a key on a map, it removes the map, and the key gets charges equal to its cost (1 charge per $1 cost) Wooden key = 5 charges, Purple Key 50 charges.
  4. PvP SHIT! - Castles Wars, Capture the flag, War Mode between Guilds, Guild Hall Wars, etc etc anything PvP-oriented.
  5. Perk Points: (read up a few posts I suggested a way to fix perks)
I could go on all day, ideas are the EASY part, and scripting them slightly harder, but I could do everything listed in 1 month easy, and I work 40 hours a week.
Oh and, I ask something else,

Everytime I suggest harder monsters or bosses or things that cannot be botted and require brianwork. I get the excuse, "If it cannot be botted, everyone is going to complain".
Example: If every monster area after 10k was hard enough to require you to MANUAL would you quit?

Please ANYONE who would quit because of not being able to bot harder content, post now, because I don't think this human exists that would complain about not being able to bot anymore.
If you do exist, I will shut up about making monsters harder or more interesting.
I doubt that adding pvp oriented events will be worth while with those 15k's that hit like a tank, first fine tune classes i'd say.. PRIEST INCLUDED

Guardian Angel = OP
I doubt that adding pvp oriented events will be worth while with those 15k's that hit like a tank, first fine tune classes i'd say.. PRIEST INCLUDED

Guardian Angel = OP

It is impossible to balance classes perfectly, I don't care about balance, I just want to be able to PvP without everyone being little bitches about it.
Time to be an asshole :D.

  1. Party Hunting Areas (no, not more max-health like minotaurs, actual monsters that require a brain cell)
this... make areas that require some teamwork, would be alot more fun if there's areas where you can't solo hunt <,<
It is impossible to balance classes perfectly, I don't care about balance, I just want to be able to PvP without everyone being little bitches about it.

Sure it is rather impossible, but atleast give a proper thought to the more versatile classes. Priest is just horrible, I feel like its been created in a day without proper testing, same for Hunters and their (Primal Rage) ability.. Who likes to be a stationary Priest? Those who like it easy
Sure it is rather impossible, but atleast give a proper thought to the more versatile classes. Priest is just horrible, I feel like its been created in a day without proper testing, same for Hunters and their (Primal Rage) ability.. Who likes to be a stationary Priest? Those who like it easy

Placing a giant invincible circle of healing for your entire party is the most overpowered bullshit ever conceived. The fact that you guys complain that it is underpowered, or it should MOVE WITH THE PRIEST making it even more powerful is the most short-sighted idiotic statements every stated on the otland forum.
Placing a giant invincible circle of healing for your entire party is the most overpowered bullshit ever conceived. The fact that you guys complain that it is underpowered, or it should MOVE WITH THE PRIEST making it even more powerful is the most short-sighted idiotic statements every stated on the otland forum.

But hey Flat, why dont you quote me on the part where I said that circle of healing is underpowered? I actually find it massively overpowered and a fucked up spell in general. The fact that it makes anyone standing in the circle practically unkill-able for the what 5-7 seconds it lasts? Is lame and too easy.. Isnt it much more satisfying to play a healing class which actually requires SOME level of skill in order to heal and just play the class properly?

PS: Neither did I say it should move along
They could learn something from Ascalon's priest class even though that wasnt complete, it was still a VERY LOT better healing class and more challenging than Deathzot's version of the Priest
But hey Flat, why dont you quote me on the part where I said that circle of healing is underpowered? I actually find it massively overpowered and a fucked up spell in general. The fact that it makes anyone standing in the circle practically unkill-able for the what 5-7 seconds it lasts? Is lame and too easy.. Isnt it much more satisfying to play a healing class which actually requires SOME level of skill in order to heal and just play the class properly?

PS: Neither did I say it should move along

Sorry I was more lashing out at other Priests I've heard complaining. *Cough Cough* Tride.
Time to be an asshole :D.

List of suggestions that have already been made by me or other people:
  1. Telegraphed Attacks (Creature says spell-words, then casts spell after a delay (so you can dodge it).
  2. Party Hunting Areas (no, not more max-health like minotaurs, actual monsters that require a brain cell)
    1. Example1: Create a monster that heals other monsters, and uses impact shot. (You can't reach it solo, and it heals all other monsters = solo person loses every time, especially if there is more than 1)
    2. Monsters that do anti-solo player spells. For Example, a 2 second stun + Delayed 1 second 1 hit spell. (Your team would need to Mwall between you and the monster to stop the spell from 1 hitting you)
    3. There are millions of other ways to make team-hunt monsters interesting.
  3. Fix Keys (Maps are currently Private Boss Spawns, this means you can GAIN FROM SAFETY, the #1 most stupid thing in the world) but at least you HAVE to go get maps from hunting, BUT KEYS are infinite, meaning you never have to leave the safety of your house.
    1. Way to fix keys Example1: Make it a task rather than a boss, (You have to do something other than kill 1 monster, and make it randomized so a bot can't do it 100% successful every time)
      1. Example of Tasks1: (Kill 3 bosses, bring their loot to an alter, put all 3 boss items on alter, it summons a super-boss, that boss drops the loot)
      2. Example of Tasks2: (Kill all monsters in the area, once the last monster is killed the boss will spawn)
      3. Example of Tasks3: (Protect the VIP, you spawn with a summoned Princess, and monsters spawn and try to kill it)
    2. Way to fix keys Example2: MAKE THE T3 BOSSES 100x HARDER. Are you fucking kidding me? I can kill 5 T3 bosses AT THE SAME TIME in 1 minute, and loot an instant 1-2 T5 items? I can't even do that with T2 fucking bosses. T3 bosses SHOULD BE TEAM-Hunt Bosses. (Extremly fucking powerful, with tons of hp and regeneration, and 1 hit mechanics, and admin xagulz trying to /r you the entire time and you have to dodge that shit)
    3. Way to fix keys Example3: Make it so keys have charges. (When you use a key on a map, it removes the map, and the key gets charges equal to its cost (1 charge per $1 cost) Wooden key = 5 charges, Purple Key 50 charges.
  4. PvP SHIT! - Castles Wars, Capture the flag, War Mode between Guilds, Guild Hall Wars, etc etc anything PvP-oriented.
  5. Perk Points: (read up a few posts I suggested a way to fix perks)
I could go on all day, ideas are the EASY part, and scripting them slightly harder, but I could do everything listed in 1 month easy, and I work 40 hours a week.

This is exactly the kind of feedback we're looking for.
Alright, so let me suggest a few things, priest-oriented:

>Remove Circle of Healing as a whole
>Add Spells:
Rejuvenation - a AoE healing spell that heals every party/guild member in a 3-5 sqm range (Once). Infecting them with Lifebloom which heals 100% of the healed health on the target over a period of 5-10 seconds (Whatever is balanced).. And dont allow Lifebloom to stack if thats even possible

And perhaps since bosses such as Fisco are incredibly hard and prolly not do-able with just that spell... You could add a alternative healing spell that gives every guild/party member in a 5-7 sqm range a overtime healing bonus. Which remains STATIONARY for like 3o'ish seconds while costing a lot of soul.. And to battle the one-man-army type of people, let every priest's healing spell scale with ML more than perhaps % attack / power

Oh and nerf guardian angel since its OP >.>