Advanced OT User
How to fix CAP shown in OTCv8? The displayed value is divided by 100, it does not show the player's actual CAP. Using protocol 7.72.

Tried this but not work:

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Tried this but not work:

C++ - OTCV8 - OTX.2 - 7.72 FreeCapacity problem.
OTCV8 - OTX.2 - 7.72 So this is how my cap look's, it only go's to 600'ish and then resets to a lower number. IT WILL NEVER SHOW OVER 600'ish CAP. Protocolgame.cpp - On the server. msg->put(int32_t(player->getFreeCapacity() * 100)); Also tried, msg->put(int32_t(player->getFreeCapacity() *...
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