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C++ Classic Spell Casting


Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I would like some help to place the spells as they used to.

Ex: eXuRa / Ex ura / eXura "Hello World

I use TFS 1.5 - Downgrade from Nekiro.


Could someone give me a light?

still closer to the whole thing im sure its just a part of code as i said so need to fix the param stuff

try your whole code without commenting that.

/*if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {
words += " \"" + param + "\"";

the && !param.empty()) is very important here :p (but i guess for exori vis etc it should work god knows about exiva though. the problem with the exori vis etc might be because needtarget once u put param it works like exiva so thats where the problem is but if it works for most spells and not like exori vis etc i think its already liveable feature. :) mostly people use it for exura and utanihur

worth mentioning yurots engines had it working like that im nearly 100% sure if not then ask the guy who made akademicki ots maybe he has solution he used to have that feature im sure
old strike spell doesnt use needtarget, only needdirection

if its only for spells that use in yourself, using hasParams do the job.

I dont remember if they use in all spells but, for light, haste and others spells that buff or heal yourself this work well

with spell:isSelfTarget(true) and spell:hasParams(true) this work

but, doing that in c# is better

thanks for the help
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no problem :) as i said u can use talkactions they do not care but then u have to rewrite every spell into talkaction module without any c++ changes. im pretty sure. and adding manadrain and stuff can be exhausting (stupid but works )
go spells.cpp

search for:
words = instantSpell->getWords();
replace with:
words = words /*instantSpell->getWords()*/;

search for:
if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {

commit looking like
        /*if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {
            words += " \"" + param + "\"";

go in tools.cpp
search for:
void trimString(std::string& str)

str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(' '));
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.begin() + 5, ' ') , str.begin() + 5); //mano368

ExUrA will work(and all others)
Ex Ura will work(and all others)
Utevo lux "mano368 will not work(we need this)
If i write ex: eX u r A is not working
UTANI GRAN HUR not working either

Can somebody give a fix pls?
If i write ex: eX u r A is not working
UTANI GRAN HUR not working either

Can somebody give a fix pls?
that exura is even possible in past days? I only changed to the first five letters because the first word always have 5 letter(dam).

exura (5 letters) = ex ura, ex u ra, e xura, ex u ra << all work

UTANI GRAN HUR, ut ani gran hur, u tani gran hur.. and so

after made these changes, have u compiled again?
that exura is even possible in past days? I only changed to the first five letters because the first word always have 5 letter(dam).

exura (5 letters) = ex ura, ex u ra, e xura, ex u ra << all work

UTANI GRAN HUR, ut ani gran hur, u tani gran hur.. and so

after made these changes, have u compiled again?
Yes all these works, ex ura, ex u ra, e xura, ex u ra << all work
eX u r A <<< no work
Exu Ra << works
in some cases is not working. I don't get the reason because of it.
should it work right? eX u r A <<< no work
I don't have a cipsoft server 7.7 to test this, sadly
Yes i have compiled after the changes
I have used these code changes:
go spells.cpp

search for:
words = instantSpell->getWords();
replace with:
words = words /*instantSpell->getWords()*/;

search for:
if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {

commit looking like
        /*if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {
            words += " \"" + param + "\"";

go in tools.cpp
search for:
void trimString(std::string& str)

str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(' '));
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.begin() + 5, ' ') , str.begin() + 5); //mano368

ExUrA will work(and all others)
Ex Ura will work(and all others)
Utevo lux "mano368 will not work(we need this)
dont we reall just need to compare what player says everytime? could we not use onSay instead and bring tolower + remove spaces and search for string "spell words" ? and then just make player say the text he says anyways + castspell? why even c++

just tought about it.
local spellTable = {
  ["exura"] = "Light Healing",
  ["exura gran"] = "Intense Healing",
  ["exura vita"] = "Ultimate Healing",
  -- add more spell keywords and corresponding spell names here

function onSay(player, words, param)
  local message = string.lower(words)

  for spellKeyword, spellName in pairs(spellTable) do
    if string.find(message, spellKeyword) then
      return true

  return false
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UP I've solved the problem @mano368
go spells.cpp

search for:
words = instantSpell->getWords();
replace with:
words = words /*instantSpell->getWords()*/;

search for:
if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {

commit looking like
        /*if (instantSpell->getHasParam() && !param.empty()) {
            words += " \"" + param + "\"";

go in tools.cpp
search for:
void trimString(std::string& str)

str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(' '));
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.begin() + 5, ' ') , str.begin() + 5); //mano368

ExUrA will work(and all others)
Ex Ura will work(and all others)
Utevo lux "mano368 will not work(we need this)
OK I've solved the issue related with using quotes, change the code to this

InstantSpell* Spells::getInstantSpell(const std::string& words)
    InstantSpell* result = nullptr;

    for (auto& it : instants) {
        const std::string& instantSpellWords = it.second.getWords();
        size_t spellLen = instantSpellWords.length();
        if (caseInsensitiveStartsWith(words, instantSpellWords)) {
            if (!result || spellLen > result->getWords().size()) {
                result = &it.second;
                if (words.length() == spellLen) {

    //if (result) {
        //const std::string& resultWords = result->getWords();
        //if (words.length() > resultWords.length()) {
    //if (!result->getHasParam()) {
                //return nullptr;
    if (result && words.length() > result->getWords().length())
        std::string param = words.substr(result->getWords().length(), words.length());
        if (param[0] != ' ' || (param.length() > 1 && (!result->getHasParam() || param.find(' ', 1) != std::string::npos) && param[1] != '"'))
            return NULL;

        return result;

the only problem is that if i use exani hur up (without quotes)this crashing the server. This does not happens if i use exani hur down ( weird this huh?)
also exani hur " up/down with quotes works properly
spells like utevo res ina rat crashes the server too
is there a way to add param monstername and up? jaaj :/


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up! a solution for fix the crash?. everything is working except for exani hur up and utevo res ina, without quotes
these spells are crashing the server is they are used without quotes

dont we reall just need to compare what player says everytime? could we not use onSay instead and bring tolower + remove spaces and search for string "spell words" ? and then just make player say the text he says anyways + castspell? why even c++

just tought about it.
local spellTable = {
  ["exura"] = "Light Healing",
  ["exura gran"] = "Intense Healing",
  ["exura vita"] = "Ultimate Healing",
  -- add more spell keywords and corresponding spell names here

function onSay(player, words, param)
  local message = string.lower(words)

  for spellKeyword, spellName in pairs(spellTable) do
    if string.find(message, spellKeyword) then
      return true

  return false
how to use this? could you elaborate a bit please' since i know that for use a talkaction we need to execute a command like !spells or similar
TalkActionResult_t Spells::playerSaySpell(Player* player, std::string& words)
    std::string str_words = words;

    //strip trailing spaces

    InstantSpell* instantSpell = getInstantSpell(str_words);
    if (!instantSpell) {
    std::string param = "";

    if (instantSpell->getHasParam()) {
        size_t spellLen = instantSpell->getWords().length();
        size_t paramLen = str_words.length() - spellLen;
        std::string paramText = str_words.substr(spellLen, paramLen);

        if (!paramText.empty() && paramText[0] == ' ') {
            size_t quote = paramText.find('"', 1);
            if (quote != std::string::npos) {
                size_t tmp = paramText.find('"', quote + 1);
                if (tmp == std::string::npos)
                    tmp = paramText.length();

                param = paramText.substr(quote + 1, tmp - quote - 1);
            else if (paramText.find(' ', 1) == std::string::npos) {
                param = paramText.substr(1, paramText.length());


    if (instantSpell->playerCastInstant(player, param)) {
        words = instantSpell->getWords();
        return TALKACTION_BREAK;
    else {
        return TALKACTION_FAILED;

ExUrA will work(and all others)
Ex Ura will work(and all others)
Utevo lux "ola work
Utevo Lux "ola work

SOLVED exani hur up and other not crashing server anymore

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Did you guys manage to solve this for TFS 1.5? tried the above and it did not work. @LeOnArd0 @ForgottenNot
I am only interested in the quotes case: utani gran hur "bye.

Adding params="1" in spells.xml will only work for cases that has selfcast="1" for some reason, so this is not enough.
exevo mort hur "bye will not work for example, but utani hur "bye will work.

Anyone managed to solve this in sources? @Mateus Robeerto , you are my favorite go-to person when it comes to tfs1.5.
Have you managed to solve this?

Did you guys manage to solve this for TFS 1.5? tried the above and it did not work. @LeOnArd0 @ForgottenNot
I am only interested in the quotes case: utani gran hur "bye.

Adding params="1" in spells.xml will only work for cases that has selfcast="1" for some reason, so this is not enough.
exevo mort hur "bye will not work for example, but utani hur "bye will work.

Anyone managed to solve this in sources? @Mateus Robeerto , you are my favorite go-to person when it comes to tfs1.5.
Have you managed to solve this?
