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What do you want me to ban from? movies? screens? i havent banned anyone from your side either so why are you complaining my little angels?
What do you want me to ban from? movies? screens? i havent banned anyone from your side either so why are you complaining my little angels?

Every char has his IP LOG, so just check it lol?
Also that movie of Krigaren also shows krigaren uses blackD, I found Poseidon botting m lvl this morning, Mage Rikkjard/makt/sandy bellum/kalle~/en galen levlare/elajt(100% lvl botted) but you always ignored it when I reported it, oh how come?..
What has that to do with my reallife picture, also you help ur team because you know that crawd is shared, you also know that 90% of ur team is botted but because it's ur team you couldn't give a damn shit.

Dude, your tiny and you got no muscles please shut your mouth for a while. And yes, some of our guys are botting but look at your team for exampel: Tjaapie, Argor, Weezi, Shaazo... I can make a big list of your team. just tell Talaturen to check the log!
Dude, your tiny and you got no muscles please shut your mouth for a while. And yes, some of our guys are botting but look at your team for exampel: Tjaapie, Argor, Weezi, Shaazo... I can make a big list of your team. just tell Talaturen to check the log!

I am tiny? I am 1.87, and it looks like u ain't smart because muscles doesn't say anything it's about the tactic you use.
Btw they are only my team because they are against you, and who said that I said that they didn't bot?
I even killed Tjaapie on my nub char while he was botting.
Dude, your tiny and you got no muscles please shut your mouth for a while. And yes, some of our guys are botting but look at your team for exampel: Tjaapie, Argor, Weezi, Shaazo... I can make a big list of your team. just tell Talaturen to check the log!

Swedish guy = 24/7 gamer = stick man, so stfu wise guy

EDIT - forgot, if you have a low metabolism, and u sit at the pc all day eating pizza etc you might be a junior elephant :eek:

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Dude, your tiny and you got no muscles please shut your mouth for a while. And yes, some of our guys are botting but look at your team for exampel: Tjaapie, Argor, Weezi, Shaazo... I can make a big list of your team. just tell Talaturen to check the log!

monorath u with demonic alliance?

Please keep it clean i haven't seen any insult yet but it will come i'm sure thats why an warning for every one dont insult because i love to give infractions =)

P.s) I'm 99% sure that Talaturen wont check it out so stop posting that Talaturen will check it out.

Dude, your tiny and you got no muscles please shut your mouth for a while. And yes, some of our guys are botting but look at your team for exampel: Tjaapie, Argor, Weezi, Shaazo... I can make a big list of your team. just tell Talaturen to check the log!

don't try skit people,
i could break every bone in ur body within 2 minutes :) im sure of it.
so shush kiddo
Well always talking with the same guy on Crawd so i can't tell that he is shared

ofc all this is true, mona~ get all his facts straight from god when he is stonedXD

zedrius, ur welcome any day =) u big guy.. I bet ur a real g aint u? u beat up guys for lookin at u..

please don't visit sweden ;/ we real scared over here

okaj g up, im out (zedrius style)
ofc all this is true, mona~ get all his facts straight from god when he is stonedXD

zedrius, ur welcome any day =) u big guy.. I bet ur a real g aint u? u beat up guys for lookin at u..

please don't visit sweden ;/ we real scared over here

okaj g up, im out (zedrius style)

Yea, don't visit Sweden! No ppl there, they are all inside hardcore gaming, you know the new WoW just came out right? National holiday until further notice...