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Cyntara Offline Chat

I'm hunted by BA since i joined "See ya on the floor" Xd
aww, i'm with visit i wont loggin Tibia now, i'm x logged at Monks, and F*** Shadow, i lost cuz u double posted lol. :/
Lol.. ves.. i sent to you a nice private msg on cyntara :p

what happend with bip?.. this men is crazy..
Yea but before i join "See ya", Someguys like Carbon and Lord was hunting me just becuz I always was with Acid, lol.

thats a lil bit lame then lmao.. hunted by association lol

and nah i dnt think acid is a gm but he does test stuff for red tho
Yea, all i wanted is to lvl in peace but its kinda impossible now :p
@Off Topic: Krloz i think Red gonna kill ya if u keep double posting lol

@Krlz: Yes i've tryed to play with mage but it sucks, to much hotkey pressing :S
noo xD okay.. i stop the doble post xD

the mage hotkeys is destroy the F to pots.. and F to sd xD
14:00 Red [1436]: Everybody get ready for a fun pre-christmas event

Someone can tell me what is the event? :O

Omg i need go to lvl!
Got trapped by 4 of those :/

Veseble killed at level 1011 by a Krampus.
whats a krampus lol
i am assuming hard if it killed you lol

whats the cyntara ip address
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