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Cyntara Offline Chat

1 by 1 or 2 by 2 its easy, but 4 trapped me next Venore depot, and they summon Pyro berserk element, when i died i saw a 20k hit on me :S

Btw, its a Demon with other name lol.
veseble i might be able to get back on
BUT I NEED the ip address for the game so red or someone give me the ip
The IP is the same of Website lol, Cyntara.servegame.com
no lol i don't remember it
but asprate isn't working
neither is tibia 8.5
which is gay as hell
anyone want to talk
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Ye, I wish to know what was the reward from that 'event' that i died in vain lol..
probably a expensive donor item or something really gay lol

yo yo yo anybody online

red make the next post and prize come up so i can get it

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Ye, I wish to know what was the reward from that 'event' that i died in vain lol..

I looted a chaotic wand and 3 gold ingots.

Also a norse shield has been looted, there can be nice rewards :)
i looted rubbish, trash, several present boxes, a bone and a chatoic wand and 25 CC's. :ninja:

oh, i also looted alot rubbish and like 150 cc in total.

Ye, I wonder too what the rarest item will be?
Lets make a vote!

I vote the rarest item will beeee: uhm... A king doll!
Over today with the 3 times this events on i have opend 17+ Presents and the best i got was 15 ccs

