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Dracos and Stor Stark Then Hades and Brandbils

the sneak on Silnoreki was random aswell, so why're u flaming me and then posting it urself?

Well, if you learned how to read you would see that it wasn't(Was not) a random kill on a random botter.
oh yeah ;] rox

Alan, i rembeer when you were quitting and you made a HUGE post about how u wanna thank dave and me and anthony and zac etc..

and now ur just giving pierce a blowjob because he has power...ur a fucking tool dumb fucking spick lawnmower stealing mexican piece of shit.
If you haven't noticed the 2 botters were not exactly the point of this thread, and the only reason the Hades cam was included is because he was in Reunion (Which if you haven't figured it out we're fighting against)

And as for how they got trapped, Dracos and Melizie tried to kill a knight blocking demona and got trapped in the passageway (Dracos got out when a 130ed noobchar logged in from behind and took the flower and Melizie had already died), and when Stor Stark came to help he got trapped like a nub as well.


We were going to kill Chemical Reaction before we found out he was a friend, it wasn't an actual defense.

Wow you go into such detail, cus stor stark deffinetly came to help dracos right. cus u were in vent with us right? you knew wat we were doing right
fucking idiot.
HAHA Look how ppl is like 'u are noobs' lalala, we are still killing ppl, come get us. havent seen a cam of u killing anyone ice meto.
then maybe you should start download tibiacam tv and start watching, I dont know what you are doing in this category right now... you are abit LOST.
Wow you go into such detail, cus stor stark deffinetly came to help dracos right. cus u were in vent with us right? you knew wat we were doing right
fucking idiot.

Because I have to be in your ventrilo to put 1 and 1 together? Dracos gets trapped in Demona and Stor Stark (From the same team) logs on and goes straight to Demona where Dracos is. Wait, you're right, there's no way it could be insinuated that he just may have been trying to help. Dumbass.

@Ice Meto
I said the kill on Hades was not random, I could give a fuck about Silnoreki.