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Team Fantasia real - ready!


lua nOOb
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hiya otlanders,

I need 2 helpers with me on the server, both of 'em shall know everything related to TIBIA, and ots.

I need to choose two who have a bit of all experience, starting from mapping, to the hardcore lua scripting, server already have many custom scripts,
its necessary to speak fluent English, im not even good at grammar, but your first language should be English as well.

moreover, server is a real-map, with custom stuff, if you ever heard of exodus network, then you're joining it, one of a kind real map server, with custom scripts, war scripts, action scripts, and ideas, quests everything your mind could ever think of, the server it self has a lot of things to be explored. Everyday there's an update, if its a little thing, or a big ones, i still call it update, major updates will be done every 10th of a month, it'll include new sprites, new quests, with missions, and just as same as real tibia updates,
vip part on the server is basically another world, you get the vip and you make other custom quests, on my server, its just VIP to buy, no items and shit, what ever you made to make it balanced vip items, it wont be fair, even if its so cheap for a poor.

starting over, every city will be revamped, as i said its full real tibia, i cant say it has no debugs, because its huge map.

server client yet is 8.54, I working my self getting it to 8.60 (the latest real tibia update).
I'm modifying the client, and adding custom sprites on the server, still a long way to go, but its ready for a start, the other things im speaking about are in the updates.

also looking for NPC fixer, he'll edit npcs reply words and such things, make him/her speak better English, more like a decent student.

well, as I've seen i spoken too much, it wont be just 2 team mates, it'd be 10? 15?..

you do your own application, I wont ask you to make it professional, I know that you'll do it professional without asking you.

nothing more or less, I dont care about cash, you guys can keep all the cash :)...

thanks for reading, mizo.
I can help you with the mapping so,you can count on me and I dont care about cash same as you cause I have plenty of it so just gm




Just a few,not so good but Im getting better.
is this your mapping skills?

Nope :p
i just said that ^^ i already contacted him... cuz he worked hard on this ot... and he isnt a normal guy.... ^^ so downloade a good anti virus or you can talk with him:p i just said that to you...
I can fix some npcs.
I've played Tibia since 2003
Ot's since they began.

Pm me your email address.