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[FRANCE] Extibia 7.4 RealMap/SharedExp/Tasks - AntiBot Client [03.01.2015]

What rates are the best for you?

  • From x60 at level 8 to x1.5 at level 150

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • From x120 at level 8 to x2 at level 180

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • From x40 at level 8 to x2 at level 100

    Votes: 14 46.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I believe its 2 per 4 sec for knights mages 4 per 3 secs and pallys is 3 mana per 3 secs best way to determine the factors of an ot rl its not exact since lets face it its OT meaning you can do what you like to best sit the real picture i believe this would be stable just double it for promos. keep the secs
you know double reg from 7.4 is 1 mana / 6 sec for EK, 1 mana / 4 sec for RP and 1 mana / 2 sec MS/ED? Quite slow, for the rates.

Tibianic, for example has this manarate.
Imo this mana rate is okay, it makes knight more usable, because magic proffesion can't sit on exp with life ring and instant full mana :)
CHANGE TO HIGH RATES OR I RAGE :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
PEOPLE RATES ARE MOST IMPORTANT HIGH RATES BRINGED ME TO THIS OTS CMON LIKE FIGHT FOR OURS... we want nice pvp not fucking 30 lvls going killing noobs and killing server 1h after start right?
CHANGE TO HIGH RATES OR I RAGE :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
PEOPLE RATES ARE MOST IMPORTANT HIGH RATES BRINGED ME TO THIS OTS CMON LIKE FIGHT FOR OURS... we want nice pvp not fucking 30 lvls going killing noobs and killing server 1h after start right?
i voted for higher rates but majority won. deal with it

Imo this mana rate is okay, it makes knight more usable, because magic proffesion can't sit on exp with life ring and instant full mana :)

ill be paladin and i think mana rate should be higher m level for sorcer and mana regen dont make sense. you are downgrading mages with this rate
Mages - 4mana/4s, Promo Mages - 4mana/3s, Knight - 3mana/6s, EK - 3mana/5s, Paladin - 3mana/4s, RP - 3mana/3s

what about that?
  1. From x60 at level 8 to x1.5 at level 150
    8 vote(s)
  2. *
    From x120 at level 8 to x2 at level 180
    8 vote(s)

  3. From x40 at level 8 to x2 at level 100
    14 vote(s)

    High and mid is more votes so why lowrate ? bullshit and nazi-admin
ill be paladin and i think mana rate should be higher m level for sorcer and mana regen dont make sense. you are downgrading mages with this rate

Thats how magic prifession should be played on 7.4. Mages are harder to exp but can exp faster/h and high lvl mage deals deadly dmg.
people will only keep playing if it's actually fun, so don't use too slow mana reg as it'll be boring/slow to level and many will not even bother trying
LOOK AT THE VOTE MORE PEOPLE WANT HIGH-MID-RATE and what is smart Owner doing low rate... poziom otsów w dzisiejszych czasach...
From 1 To 7 - x25
From 8 To 20 - x40
From 21 To 40 - x25
From 41 To 70 - x15
From 71 To 90 - x7
From 91 To 101 - x3
From 102 -x - x2
