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[France] Realistic-War 7.4 - Custom Client

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i think tampon didnt have time to make the movie before his retirement ! should open server soon pleasee

for tampon
I doesn't take a genius to do the math - What will happen if I open the server?
You will make a lot of people really happy.

Wrong, you will be disappointed when it goes offline shortly after, and I will be forced to use the internet without my router
Yea, I think u should try to open it again... I think better is to play 2-3 hours and then offline than offline all day long... Nowhere to play while waiting for realots :(
Its 2 days left to realots, great time to play realistic before serious ots. Ond bring it online last time in this year ;)
"SSA is for rookies" I remember you from 36hopto :p I used to play there as 'Wizard' sometime ago. You were always playing on Friiko Druid.


Isn't it strange that there are so few decent warservers, with this many people who are eager to play? I think I've only played in 3 really good warservers during my 6 years playing OTs.
This is my favourite warserver ever, I remember during weekends I sometimes played for 10 hours straight with people like Tampon, Sir Texor, Silence, Mass-Destruction etc.
The second best warserver I've ever played was many years ago, it was client 8.0 Fibula map, but a modified version - you couldn't aim runes in battle nor hotkey anything. Levels were like 25-40 and the server was called oldnoobwar~ something, can anyone recall that server?
Thirdly there's 36hopto, who was really great at times - particularly with the Black Widows vs Eternal March version, because levers were lower.

Why are there so few great warservers? Are they that hard to create? Are people always fucking up for each other (DDoSing etc)? Or are they just hard to get income from (donations etc)? It feels like most servers on otservlist are the same, new clients with high rates. They're shit. I don't want to grind to level 500 and run around feeling like I'm Orshabaal. I want to assassinate other players by using special weapons and tactics. I want to challenge myself and feel the adrenaline rush you get when things get critical. I want to meet new enemies and friends daily, get better in fighting and learn from my mistakes. I want a server like realistic-war.

If any of you are a scripter or has the possibility to host a server - please consider a server like this one!

I'm just bored. I'm supposed to be doing homework. Thanks for reading :p
Then try out a similar server to realistic - war with umbys map from 7.72 . It's in the advertisement section ! Waropolis
For war, i love map Ab;dendriel, few changes and this map is great! caves under depot -1, floor 0 with trees,filars,shops,houses, +1 houses,shops with 2sqm <-> . I just love this map, i can edit this map but i cant do a war server :/ if anyone, tell me.
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