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[Germany] Faloria 7.4 | Custom Client

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It was nice to hear that a GM had been on, would be glad if he sometime could get on to speak to me..


- - - Updated - - -

Now I can't log in nor reach the website.. Is this the end? :S

At the "end" we were 3 active players.. But the last 2-3 days like 4 other came and started to play (new players)

Me and my two friends rather played there then RealOTS and I guess Faloria could rise from the ashes, I hope it will.

I just wonder why I can't login, the server seems to be on tho.. Since I can acsess the account but get "connection error".
It's not as good client, and I don't like the owner.. So I rather play Faloria :)
Ye if u rather play on server where u can bot then go on.
I've never ever botted in my life, thats what I like with Faloria, they don't allow botters. While Tibianic HR was destroyed because everyone was allowed to bot, everyone was allowed to MC, he didn't do anything about it. So I see no point at all playing there. Atleast while Faloria is a choice.
I've never ever botted in my life, thats what I like with Faloria, they don't allow botters. While Tibianic HR was destroyed because everyone was allowed to bot, everyone was allowed to MC, he didn't do anything about it. So I see no point at all playing there. Atleast while Faloria is a choice.

It seems you never played tibianic****, if there was proof of mcing or you got caught you got banned.
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It seems you never played realots, if there was proof of mcing or you got caught you got banned.
We just talked about tibianic HR right? RealOTS I don't like because it's 7.7, I love 7.4, hate 7.7.
We just talked about tibianic HR right? RealOTS I don't like because it's 7.7, I love 7.4, hate 7.7.
7.4 is broken as fuck, such a waste of time.

Go make some more runebots, boat trap some boats, and UH trap people you're too bad to kill yourself.
Scollen, I dont know what you are talking about but I have actually been having 10 mcs online all the time on Faloria, just to easy :p
I played real tibia during 7.4, it had all that.. It was still fun? It was the best time, sure fix the uh traps etc but don't have wands, runes in shop, too high mana to make runes etc.. But I still like boat traps, uh traps etc. But maybe that's just me..

And @Aevon, maybe you have, but if the GM's would see that I'm sure they would delete you. On TibianicHR there were runefarms, the GM came there and didn't do anything. He let them both bot up inifi runes and cavebot. Since I don't bot etc, how am I supposed to keep the same steps at them? In lvling, mlvling and so on?

Also would still be glad if Amoaz or some other of the team on Faloria could contact me.. :)
Faloria is back online!

website: http://faloria.eu

You need to download the new client.
I play as it will restart. Otherwise there is no point, no one will play...
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