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[Germany] MediumRate - OriginalTibia FULL 7.72 - ONLINEEEE!

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Please make paladins as strong as on your 2 days ago edition thank you.
yes make a highrate and paladin as strong as on the beginning of the lr. Looks really smart. If 50 paladin with 65 dist hitted for 250 with bolts How much will he git on lvl 140, 500 and 800 with power bolt. Make paladin as strong as it was. GREAT IDEA
everyone can just shut up, just open the server like it was, last highrate fribben had 300+ players , without okolnirshit
There is a slightly difference between low/mid rate and high rate.
Paladins and EKs should have stronger attacks on high rates in order to be competitive. On low/mid rates with lower amount of supplies/cash, Paladin are kinda OP. As long as it's easy to gain cash, majority will play mages.

I really liked it when it was easy at the beginning and much harder after 100+ Makes more equal levels, and more fun wars.

1-90 Starting at 100x, going down to 5x
90-120 3x
120 -> 2x

With high loot rate people will still exp at 2x, because they can just gfb tombs or sd dls/wrls. And they have to exp in order to get more cash.
Might not be a good idea for the very long run, but I think it's good for the majority who plays other servers too that they can still have a chance here when it comes to having fun with wars.

Im sure many people will disagree with me, just my opinion.
open it saturday fribben, or friday gogogogoggogoogog me no can wait omagad
It's better to just let Fribben get some time making this server as he wants it/ as community wants it. If that takes 1-2 week, Im sure ppl are willing to wait for the better server :)
open next week, wait for teams to confirm that they will play
Assashino: if you were a man of your words, I would be harrassed of that sentence, but unfortunanetly you are not. Let me explain why, you have contridicted your own words over 10 times saying that you will never play my server, but as soon as someone with a high position says he will start, you are immediately there and break your own word, but for me. That's not the case, just trying to prove how you reason.

true true, i like to spam sometimes to wake people up;) And the reason i joined was cause 3 of my own people convinced me to start, just so you know;)
so you were right for a part but not all, but really good try:)
Kid you have no reason to say that you can't trust original tibia you little brat.... he has had servers up for a long time as well even tho a low amount of players where playing there so you better just step down and come back when u got a clue about what you are talking about, and my fucking god this reminds me why i hated this community so hard you are just a bunch of greedy kids blaming and screaming when you don't get exactly what you want like there is no room for mistakes and that make me very mad, its fribbens server if he wants to try out and mid rate its up to him you can say what ever you please but it will always be his server and thats the end of it give him feed back not bullshit that easy its not ryan, its a hoster that cares about his servers he has fixed countless bugs and banned so many cheaters and i have never heard anything about him being corrupt like you beloved tibianic staff....

well maby we are blaming the wrong persons. But the passed make us like this:( (hosters like ryan)
don't have the paladins like it was at beginning of last version (op), but how it was at the end (it was lowered from the start i think) is what i believe mex means

i would have to agree

also make it 20 bolts again for exevo con mort

i'd also say make it 7.4 but that's just me, not really a fan of 7.7
u believe wrong. Paladins were nerfed hardly at the end of previous edition, i hited like 0 very othen on mage with probably shield
7.72, 7.4 or 8.0 is not a problem for me, but you have to understand that they are complete different versions and complete different gameplays, having such exp on 7.4 as on 7.72 is not the same, everybody know that the stages on 7.4 hr was never this high because it just led to boring fights,

if you want me to host 7.4, I will most likely use the standard stage I used for 7.4, or else I will stick with highrate and 7.72,

You should make a poll on website or smth

if ppl want 7.4 or 7.72
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