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[Germany]TiTaNiUm World 2k13 [9.83/.82](DIABLO ItemSystem And More) <---

the name's of the monsters i don't like abit.. "Spider the Vis"
"Rat the Immortal" "Elephant the protected"

What would be better?
THe names are autogenerated suffixes. monstername + bosssufix
I could use prefix Bossprefix + monstername
I wish all items and monsters were custom as in name, stats etc... I know you can get tons of different stats but its the same old boring items and monsters. You still have the general names like dragon, rat, and the same thing with items. I'm not sure about anyone else but I was expecting it to be like full out custom. Its as simple as changing a "giant sword" into a "warlord sword" and then changing the base stats and what drops it.
I dont get it.
In diablo or other games u have simmilar system.
it takes an item, it adds suffix or prefix to an item monster.
It depends on suffix/prefix what custom stats and powers the item or monster gains.

In diablo 2 for example u can add 24 stats to 1 item.
But ingame it depends on anme wich stats the item gets, and for eachs tat there is min and max value.
For example i can have 2 items with same suffix, but one has more magicattack% and other could have more attack speed by 1

And the spawns of bosses and magical items, is autogenerated!

Or do u mean just simply rename all old names in something else?
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Ich werde ein Lets Play von deinem Server machen, wenn das okay ist :)

Wenn mein Lets Play ein paar zuschauer bekommt, wird dein Server auch mehr Spieler bekommen,
Ich bitte um Antwort ..

-Luca :)
Ich werde ein Lets Play von deinem Server machen, wenn das okay ist :)

Wenn mein Lets Play ein paar zuschauer bekommt, wird dein Server auch mehr Spieler bekommen,
Ich bitte um Antwort ..

-Luca :)
Danke! Wär super! ich brauche noch paar tage bis ich einige Sachen einbaue die sich lohnen werden :)
I played this server since im 12, started tibia with it, I dont have anything to add, its just incredible and u can find what u looking for in a ot :)
Man, no words can describe this server, it's all that I've always looked for, a complete RPG, the systems are so good and all works well, the staff is competent, man... I don't know what you say, just love it, judging by the server, the staff should have a vast experience.
Dude, really, thank you for all this experience... Really expecting a lot of players...
Thank you, really...
Added real townportal like in diablo and other gams:
U use scroll-> portal appears.
U go in _> get tpd to city
In city another portal-> u go in, it tps u back where u started. the portals dissapear :D