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@ GM Aezol and his unnecessary banishments ^^

They started the server. Their rules. If they want to ban, they will ban.
This is OT guys. It's not the same as real tibia. In real Tibia, the GM's have obligations. Here on OT, they don't.

And since i'm an admin on counter strike, or was I should say.
I know one thing from that time. Admins don't have to think twice for a ban. Even less, they don't have to argue about it if they don't want to.
Admins/GM's makes the rules, they make sure normal players follows it, and ban's ppl if they feel like it.

Not that hard to understand...but if it is...
Go back to school and do something about your life instead of whining about Tibia OT.

If they ban you, get another acc or quit.

Up to you guys...

But GM can do whatever they want, when they want, how they want withour feeling pitty for their actions.

But a gm should always ban someone for a good reason, Softcores gms is a joke. Banning everyone without thinking anything and then unban them.
Well, surarn. If you'd play honestly a GM would not even make u a suspect.

Maybe sometimes a GM makes mistakes, but if you would have followed the rules 100% they would not even have thought of you cheating..

So stop crying about the GM's, its not their fault that you are acting suspicious and making alot of noise.. :]
Well, surarn. If you'd play honestly a GM would not even make u a suspect.

Maybe sometimes a GM makes mistakes, but if you would have followed the rules 100% they would not even have thought of you cheating..

So stop crying about the GM's, its not their fault that you are acting suspicious and making alot of noise.. :]

Dubbad blocked demona and i hunted inside, and gm just poff, banned me and i didnt even do anything.

The didnt even had blocking a spawn as a crime and 2 days later they said that it was allowed but no, Dubbad was banned before that so they would not unban him.

Gms on this server....