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@ GM Aezol and his unnecessary banishments ^^

I just showed specific parts to show you that we didnt use combo because the full cam is 45 min and its mostly magic walling going on


Besides, all you need to see is the parts where we shoot sds and its clear that we didnt use any cheat right? I dont see the problem here

Kevin, dont u have one which is not fast speeded?
I just showed specific parts to show you that we didnt use combo because the full cam is 45 min and its mostly magic walling going on


Besides, all you need to see is the parts where we shoot sds and its clear that we didnt use any cheat right? I dont see the problem here

God damned, why cant you just post the full cam as i asked for.
God damned, why cant you just post the full cam as i asked for.


There u go, enough prove that we didnt combobot shit out there


I just checked the edited version that I made (didnt do this before lol) and youre right, it wasnt supposed to be like that I dno what happened but anyways, the full cam is in this post enjoy
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this is ridiculous. the banishments should be lifted, atleast half of the ones u banished didnt use bot.

HAHAHA, that the cam when u want the gm to think that we have combo bot, we dont sd noone, and when the m wall disepears we all sd u, sound kinda like we said a target in vent doenst it?


in this cam, posted by k3v1n in #10 i want u to fas forward to 08:29 and then slow everything down 0,1x speed.

Again the m wall dispersers and this time i shooted a paralyze instead of sd. Perhaps u have noticed that you cant see him do utani gran hur, but you see in default channel that i paralyze him and the very same second as i have done that he super reacted and made utani gran hur again, Or he had a paralyze bot on. And then again, watch the same action on 0,5x speed and then normal speed, NO WAY that a human can react that fast. Or?

I have just watched our cam again and TYRONE FFS! TAKE AWAY UR PARALYZE BOT!!!!

Before the battle i said to everyone to take away ur paralyze bot if they had any cuz we wanted a fair battle. so i ask u nicely again to take away ur paralyze bot.
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Well, If it were me in that GM Position I would have probably given them a warning unless i was exactly sure on who was using the attack combos.

So far sir retip is unbanned. But wtf? Im not?

lol, Selfish what about the rest of your team who supposebly didn't use attack-combo.

I believe they did.
HAHAHA, that the cam when u want the gm to think that we have combo bot, we dont sd noone, and when the m wall disepears we all sd u, sound kinda like we said a target in vent doenst it?


in this cam, posted by k3v1n in #10 i want u to fas forward to 08:29 and then slow everything down 0,1x speed.

Again the m wall dispersers and this time i shooted a paralyze instead of sd. Perhaps u have noticed that you cant see him do utani gran hur, but you see in default channel that i paralyze him and the very same second as i have done that he super reacted and made utani gran hur again, Or he had a paralyze bot on. And then again, watch the same action on 0,5x speed and then normal speed, NO WAY that a human can react that fast. Or?

I have just watched our cam again and TYRONE FFS! TAKE AWAY UR PARALYZE BOT!!!!

Before the battle i said to everyone to take away ur paralyze bot if they had any cuz we wanted a fair battle. so i ask u nicely again to take away ur paralyze bot.

Btw I was outside ur screen so nice job lieing there about targetting me cuz u couldnt target me outside ur screen :D
And no you didnt paralyze me, I made a blank rune cuz I was gonna make a soulfire stop lieing noob :)
Btw I was outside ur screen so nice job lieing there about targetting me cuz u couldnt target me outside ur screen :D
And no you didnt paralyze me, I made a blank rune cuz I was gonna make a soulfire stop lieing noob :)

How can you make 1 blank rune + utani gran hur at the same time? :eek:
How can you make 1 blank rune + utani gran hur at the same time? :eek:

And who the fuck are you retard?
It wasnt at the same time and btw werent you the one who got banned for blocking demon oak with your BOT and now complaining about it?
Crawl back into your hole fuckface, oh and have a nice day
And who the fuck are you retard?
It wasnt at the same time and btw werent you the one who got banned for blocking demon oak with your BOT and now complaining about it?
Crawl back into your hole fuckface, oh and have a nice day

Why don't you start with your temperament? And keep your ugly language somewhere else. Atleast show me that you are mature enough.

And last, nope It wasn't me that blocked Demon Oak Quest.
ya all just mad cuz we won the battle :p

Even if u got the desperados or (how your br guild spells= at first, and then the WSP team comes from the other side and tries to fuck us up we still win :p
we... we.... we....will still win.. always... no matters what, we know what to do and ya all don't ya nigghas =)
seems like your combo bot can't help you enough... stop hate the gamemasters and the nice pvpers like US!!!!! :blink:
.... and start blaming yourself for your combo botting, try out the ventrilo count down instead. :p hahaha

/ Jonathan Cederlund
It's quite hard to see who's cheating and who isn't on the cams you've posted because they dont show the entire war, all I could see was just a minute or two. Since I wasn't the one to ban anyone I cannot know who Aezol banned for "co-operating with cheaters" (if you see this Aezol, please unban these players unless you are 100% they were cheating aswell...).
ya all just mad cuz we won the battle :p

Even if u got the desperados or (how your br guild spells= at first, and then the WSP team comes from the other side and tries to fuck us up we still win :p
we... we.... we....will still win.. always... no matters what, we know what to do and ya all don't ya nigghas =)
seems like your combo bot can't help you enough... stop hate the gamemasters and the nice pvpers like US!!!!! :blink:
.... and start blaming yourself for your combo botting, try out the ventrilo count down instead. :p hahaha

/ Jonathan Cederlund

this is ridiculous. the banishments should be lifted, atleast half of the ones u banished didnt use bot.


Looks like your teammates is on our side. Dont come here and say we're sad cuz we lost. Its not fucking real tibia
Btw I was outside ur screen so nice job lieing there about targetting me cuz u couldnt target me outside ur screen :D
And no you didnt paralyze me, I made a blank rune cuz I was gonna make a soulfire stop lieing noob :)

Wtf are u talking about?

First. Outside screen: Look at the picture below.

Second. As u see on the pic you see. 21:15 You are paralyzed. and so you do on ur cam.

Third. Why did you change link to lolob?

Fouth. From where can you see that you made a blank rune?

Stop lieing noob :)

Take away ur paralyze bot until next ob.


  • Tyrone cheeeattrnnn.JPG
    Tyrone cheeeattrnnn.JPG
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In the last link i posted on 09:40, we are all in the same stack. One m wall disappears and NOONE sds the stack. But, atm the m wall that keeps u unable to shoot at the stack disappears and you shoot 1 sd, everyone from ur team shoots one.

lame, stop using bot in ob, it takes away all the fun.