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help cant log on with account manager


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
i have made a 8.54 server and i made a brand new custom map and whenever i try to log into account manager it says temple is in wrong position please contact the admin. i have put the position for new people in config.lua but it still isnt working please help
go to data and the players and open Account Manager.xml

And there you will see this:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<player name="Account Manager" account="450123" sex="1" lookdir="2" exp="4200" voc="2" level="8" access="0" cap="380" maglevel="0" soul="0" maxdepotitems="1000" lastlogin="0">
<spawn x="HERE" y="HERE" z="HERE"/>
<temple x="HERE" y="HERE" z="HERE"/>

Make sure temple is as the config lua and spawns as config.lua.
kosan this will not work lol its not xml ist sql

1.So go to your Database
2.Search the Accoutn Manager
3.Click on edit
4.Change Position of the Account Manager

Rep++ mee!!