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Help with my items


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Well i have a problem with my items in game, in the remere's everything looks perfect and in game too but the problem is when i look on any item the description its in orange and it appears in default channel and not like always (green text in middle of screen and in server log) so i cant use the command /attr 'cause it doesnt changue the value of items (the script its okay) and the worst thing of all is when i create an item and move to my backpack it doesnt move anymore example: i create spike sword and it appears in my hand so i can move it freely but when i put the sword on any type of container i cant move it anymore then appears "you cannot move this object" oh another thing when i try to eat food it gives me debug x.x

PD:the items.otb in the server and remere's its the same but if i replace it with another the map gets bug :S
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but where? i compare this 2 files with another ots and the ids are diferent and like i said before if i replace them with others the map gets bug ~ zao :(