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Gaming [Honera] OtLander's Thread

im in amera, would it be possible? cause this is optional pvp, were you cna only fight if in guild war right?
Level 29.

im in amera, would it be possible? cause this is optional pvp, were you cna only fight if in guild war right?

A character may only be transferred to worlds of the same type or to worlds with more limited PvP possibilities: from Optional PvP only to Optional PvP, from Open PvP to Open PvP or Optional PvP, and from Hardcore PvP to all game worlds.
im in amera, would it be possible? cause this is optional pvp, were you cna only fight if in guild war right?

It's possible to transfer from Amera to Honera.
im in amera, would it be possible? cause this is optional pvp, were you cna only fight if in guild war right?
Yeah, you can

these are the allowed transfers
Open>Open, Optional
Hardcore>Hardcore, Open, Optional

I present thy, the squirrel-lady.
All she did in the past half hour was pass the mountain 15 times chasing squirrels.
Nop this stupid botter keeps ksing my crocodiliuses.
Back in port hope now, gonna kill the boss croc.
hmm.. well this is a great team building here.. maybe i will. :) need to earn some cash first tho!
Need moar screens :O
I've closed shop for today, did Postman Mission(so fraking annoying & boring) and got +2 MLs(forgot to take pictures :S) while doing it! (Now 22 :D)
Also did the first 3 missions of the Jester Outfit :)
Can I transfer my ED and play with you guys? ^^
Gogo, anyone and everyone is free to join :D
I wanna join =( but im lazy...

Wud be fun if it was on Inferna (hardcore ftw) and we would defend eachother and stuff xD
I'm from Portugal and I have no lag
Ask Pero if he has lag, since he's all the way from Australia xD