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How to plan a swamp city


RoHaN-OTs - Support and Mapper.
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Greetings fellow OTland mappers, i'm just gonna
learn how to mapp and planning the basic of an swamp city.

We start to make grass at floor 7
and mixing it with this tile you see down here.


When your done making grass at floor 7 and
making those tile, its maybe will look like this.
remember this is just an example were people gonna
walk on floor 6 :P


Now we are aiming on step 3 when you going
to choose the wall "Wooden" or "Normal wall" :P
I chosoe Normal wall.


So lets start, when you understond how to make
those poles it will look like this.


Then when you are done with it, lets remove
the tile you seen on the first pic on floor 7
and then it will look like this.


when you can do this your just messing around with flowers
and svamp flowers and making making the way on Floor 6 and
swamp on floor 7, when you done, it will look like this, but
this is just a small piece, remember swamp city is alot of
hard work, thats why i'm not laying so much work :)


That was all i wanted to give out, but ye, hope this helped :P
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A swamp city doesn't have to look just like that, that's just how Venore looks.
Well it's nice that you're trying to teach people how to map. The sad thing is that people doesn't appreciate anything on this forum. (@early comments)
This tutorial is about to show you how to plan the svamp city and were all players going to join, so all not getting confuse when you making the svamp under..
I think all of you shouldn't be rude, cause i think he only wanted to help. I would say thanks for teaching. But it's not that good at all. It's ok.