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TFS 1.X+ How to set effect to correct order in TFS 1.5


Senior Support Team Member
Staff member
Support Team
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction score
How to solve this problem? Anyone knows how to make effect work in correct order?

When you use exori vis, the energy spark appear below of teleport effect, but the correct way is the energy spark appear on top.

Tested in tfs 1.5 nekiro down 7.72

Thanks in advance!
I'd change order of execution here:

In some OTClient there's a logic to re-draw these effects in reverse order so once you fix it for CIP it won't work for OTClient ;)

Simply comment out:
    if (params.impactEffect != CONST_ME_NONE) {
        Game::addMagicEffect(spectators, tile->getPosition(), params.impactEffect);

And put this at the end of Combat::doAreaCombat
    for (Tile* tile : tiles) {
        if (canDoCombat(caster, tile, params.aggressive) !=...
if we do that, spells like utevo lux and others loose the blue/green/red effect, so we need to change:
    if (params.impactEffect != CONST_ME_NONE) {
        Game::addMagicEffect(spectators, tile->getPosition(), params.impactEffect);


    if (params.impactEffect == CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE || params.impactEffect == CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED || params.impactEffect == CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) {
        Game::addMagicEffect(spectators, tile->getPosition(), params.impactEffect);
I tried your code and tried pasted fragment of code from lursky and it works, but only for me as a player. Problem is beginning when any monster trying to attack me. Then I don't see some spells efect throwing by monsters. For example my Enlightmenet of the Cult:
<attack name="drunk" interval="2000" chance="10" range="7" target="1" duration="20000">
            <attribute key="shootEffect" value="energy"/>
            <attribute key="areaEffect" value="teleport" />
I see energy shot, but i don't see teleport effect, or spell from other monster - Lost Soul:
<attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="10" radius="8" target="0" minspeedchange="-750" maxspeedchange="-700" duration="4000">
            <attribute key="areaEffect" value="yellowbubble" />

Here I don't see yellow bubble effect everywhere, but I see paralyze condition on myself.

P.S. I use TFS 1.5 downgrade by Nekiro 8.0 and official client Tibia 8.0
I tried your code and tried pasted fragment of code from lursky and it works, but only for me as a player. Problem is beginning when any monster trying to attack me. Then I don't see some spells efect throwing by monsters. For example my Enlightmenet of the Cult:
<attack name="drunk" interval="2000" chance="10" range="7" target="1" duration="20000">
            <attribute key="shootEffect" value="energy"/>
            <attribute key="areaEffect" value="teleport" />
I see energy shot, but i don't see teleport effect, or spell from other monster - Lost Soul:
<attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="10" radius="8" target="0" minspeedchange="-750" maxspeedchange="-700" duration="4000">
            <attribute key="areaEffect" value="yellowbubble" />

Here I don't see yellow bubble effect everywhere, but I see paralyze condition on myself.

P.S. I use TFS 1.5 downgrade by Nekiro 8.0 and official client Tibia 8.0
That ia not the right fix for the problem, I even said that... now I use something different, I'll try to share as soon as possible and wait for a feedback with tests from you.