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Hoster I will start host again, but I need a server, anyone?


Lord of War WoW/Tibia 2D
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hello guys!

Now I will start hosting a OTserver again, before I hosted Dreamot.mine.nu a real-map server that I had online upto 60 days. Is there anyone who want me to host a server for you? I have forgot alot about otservers but I still got my skills, and I know alot of mapping/scripting/creating homepage/database/doa/pay-pal. I was thinking about a PVP-enf server this time. I got a very good computer, with 6 GB ram, and my internet is pretty good :)

If you need me give me a message!

Sir starlight
Here you got my speedtest.

Sir Starlight, with that speed of internet there's none server owner that would like to have you as hoster, ofc I could be wrong but your internet wouldn't be able to keep much players laggless =(

20-50 players top without laggs.
Sir Starlight, with that speed of internet there's none server owner that would like to have you as hoster, ofc I could be wrong but your internet wouldn't be able to keep much players laggless =(

20-50 players top without laggs.

Then It got to be wrong, becouse I hosted a server 1 years ago in 60 days, had around 120 players online without lagging, wierd.
it looks that my internet is living another life, this is the lates speedtest result I got, dunno if it's good or not.
