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Buying I'm pay for remake my map ...

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president vankk

Web Developer & AuraOT Owner
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, you are good map, is known in OTLand?
I'm paying 20EUR for remake all map (16 MB) ... in 1 month...
If you are interessed PM to me HERE.
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20 USD? That's too low for revamping the whole map IMO.
Price increased to 20EUR.
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nope im not!! just that its a new acc cuz my old was banned and its amiroslo :)

Good to know, thanks for the information! :D

@ nwtr:

But, why don't you ask Peroxide to help you? He is mapping for you, isn't he?
@ archez:

He will get holiday, and already has plans.
Pretty funny how little people pay for a lot of hours of work. I don't think anyone would revamp a 16mb for only 20Euro.
it's the Delyria map.

@Nwtr, no one and I mean no one will revamp a 16mb map for 20euro in 1 week. if you ask me, 16 mb in a week is fucking asking too much, when i had zerstora running it was 4.6mb and that took 3months. and it was pretty big.
it's the Delyria map.

@Nwtr, no one and I mean no one will revamp a 16mb map for 20euro in 1 week. if you ask me, 16 mb in a week is fucking asking too much, when i had zerstora running it was 4.6mb and that took 3months. and it was pretty big.

ok, 1 month ... for remake 16 mb? :eek:
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