• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

I'm the Real RealSoft, The other accounts have been hacked and I can't get them back!

The RealSoft

New Member
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry, but Znote msged me over skype with this matter, that someone have been "begging" for donations and shit around.

First of, I NEVER beg for donations.

Last time I were online on "RealSoft" was like 4-5 days ago, maybe more... and I can't get him back because the email address is wrong...
The user EliteOTs also are hacked, I still got email/pass, but he's banned.

Else than That, I do not have any other users! NONE!
I'm ALWAYS online with a Swedish IP address! starting with 83.~~.~~.~~

And I understand you want to black list me now, but it's not the real me you've voted against, you voted against the hacker, believing that was me.
So once more, I've not been online on RealSoft/EliteOTs for 4-5+ days!

Id' appreciate if you perma banished "RealSoft" before he does even more damage!

I confirm I'm RealSoft, by using the official --removed name-- website!
Confirmation Link(Watch the URL very carefully!):
--removed link--
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Cba to read throught all pages, but he used EliteOTs since if he would have used RealSoft people would have INSTANTLY DDoSed it/ people wouldnt even have started. And by watching that mods edit posts to remove the link actually shows how fucking retarded they are. Instead of cleaning up the actual spam and people who break rules they waste their time doin this. GJ.

Most the the shit we have to deal with is generated from his threads, sometimes by him on other accounts! You call us retarded for caring about our users? Okay there.
Wow dude, entering the link will bring us to a pornographic webpage and its gonna force us to donate 1€ to him for 2 weeks of premium, OH NO IT MIGHT EVEN MAKE US DOWNLOAD HIS CLIENT WHICH TAKES 20 MB OF OUR DISKSPACE OMFG!!!!!!!!
No, actually the homepage doesnt even work..
hf removing links to a page that is offline, now THATS being retarded.
It seems that 99% of the members that have posted in this thread have no common sense. Honestly, look at what you all have posted. I don't care if I'm a newer member to Otland. I don't need all the evidence shenanigans to see that Realsoft/Eliteots may have screwed up in the past. Maybe he did get hacked afteraml, wouldn't you all just feel senseless and ill witted. I give this man 100% support. Given that despite everything that has happened in the past, he will make due where it is needed. In my opinion you all should do the same, but I cannot control what you think, or do. There's really no need for hostility all over the place.
I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. There is just something about you that I don't like even though I have never played on any of your servers, nor have I paid any attention to you on OtLand. I don't know why but I just dislike you for some reason, but that reason is lost to even me.
It seems that 99% of the members that have posted in this thread have no common sense. Honestly, look at what you all have posted. I don't care if I'm a newer member to Otland. I don't need all the evidence shenanigans to see that Realsoft/Eliteots may have screwed up in the past. Maybe he did get hacked afteraml, wouldn't you all just feel senseless and ill witted. I give this man 100% support. Given that despite everything that has happened in the past, he will make due where it is needed. In my opinion you all should do the same, but I cannot control what you think, or do. There's really no need for hostility all over the place.

Your post is the one that doesn't make sense, you give a known and proven scammer 100% support because the majority of people posting here are people who he has scammed? Well it's not like we can stop you? He will make due where it is needed? You mean continue scamming? And you want everyone else to do the same? Right....
Really RealSoft.

What do you expect when you make a community of enemies?
A warm welcome back?


Welcome to Otland