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just wondering


New Member
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hi so im currentl playing shadowcores but there is too many ppl and too many noobs im wondering is this ot worth playing i mean is there enough ppl online to quest and hunt with because if there is i would like to start playing it.
Hi so im currentl playing shadowcores but there is too many ppl and too many noobs im wondering is this ot worth playing i mean is there enough ppl online to quest and hunt with because if there is i would like to start playing it.
Build a team and find out. Teams arent only for pvp, they can be for hunting :)
Me and my team can help u to get poi etc if u get a team of minimum 5, good luck bro ;)
build a team and find out. Teams arent only for pvp, they can be for hunting :)

charlover !! Rook ur self and give free items and after 2h start again and cry bcuz u lost all ur cash and levels and tell that a guild member hacked u