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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Yes Renton or just open the client and hit F5 a couple of times.
Anyway the server is slow today... Sad for those who paid for boosts :/

EDiT: The game is working correctly right now, woot!
it's not hard, the ones down there just complains on the bad teams because they don't wanna blame themself ))
you're playing against bads and you're up with bads down there, so if you belong to a higher elo bracket it's easy to carry dem nubz.
im gonna start trolling in all games now and reach elo hell then from 1k~~ i will go to 1.5k

gonna see if its mega mega hard

If ur gonna do that then we can duo queue at 1200 Elo :) Cuz i want up too plx :)
Damn! -.*

Hey I tanked 5 times and 5/5. Woooot!

Hey guys did you hear about ACE-Client? They're making a tournament and the prizes are 25€ RP for 1st place, 2nd place= 20€ RP and 3rd place = 15€ RP
It's nice, take a look.

Hello there everyone! :)

I will make the team registration in a poll manner, to confirm that every member for each team is here.

Explaining it better:
Each member of each team shall vote for their team, and once their team has 5 votes (and should only have 5 votes!), the team will be successfully registered in the tournament! And their team will be removed from the poll :)
Each team should only have 5 votes, as in 5 members each team!

PRIZES: Are being discussed here, among some beta access's, Riot has told me that they will give RIOT POINTS to the tournament winners!! :)

Quoted from "ZenonTheStoic"
25 Euro in RP for the first place, 20 Euro in RP for the second and 15 Euro in RP in the third place

Quoted from "ZenonTheStoic"
All prices are PER PERSON. So everyone on the team (all the five people who actually play) get 25 Euro of Riot Points.

Quoted from "ZenonTheStoic"
If you get 16 teams together I will also give the Trophy Ryze skin out

I will appreciate as you guys ONLY post your team's name (optional) and your team members, all in ONE post from ONE member of each team.
You can discuss this topic @ the general forum here (prizes will be discussed there as well)

Teams still to be registered:
Team 3 (GragasForPresident): oOBecksOo, 5un, Razer2Rulez, Flair67, Coban94.
Team 7: dopezZz, DaggerSpine, Gagyee, blackakacvick, korbar5
Team 8: Aviable123, SchokoTeddy, InvaderErnie, xXBlackeyeXx, Crashbandito
Team 10 (Czech Evolution): FrostManLoow, ondrej, CrazyPustak, Galag, survivor01
Team 11: (put your team here)
. . . (more will be added as more will show up)

Teams successfully registered:
Team 1: BubblesX, Chinoman10, Mynasteria, PunkyGERMAN, Elezar.
Team 2: Ashada, capitankasar, *need someone*, illidan432, Rivui.
Team 4 (Who the fack is Lexi?!): Gr33nT3a, monstaleinx3, rasputin007, vegasx3, Uncle Meat.
Team 5 (Signum Gaming): Kajzer, Mataha, Sl4sh, TenCo, Xaido. Sub: Arthunter.
Team 6 (Birth): LamiaZealot, Shushei, Pingus, WetDreaM, Mellisan, CyanideFI, xPeke, Osaft22
Team 9: slowmotionLag (remixx), Ryoutaru, Whiskeyjacks, OpTeH and Acetic

Don't have a team? Click here!


So guys join!
Also I'm trying the ACE LoL Client and it's fine. Found it at the EU forums made by Matricus [The thread is called modified standalone client]

Tunning my client! Wooot! :p I dont like it but I did this modification (little)
About the health bars are awesome, blue n green.
I can change the colors of the minimap and a lot of things! :D
Like it? :D


Im still tunning my client because I put some big, some not so big, some mini haha!...-.-
But I'll keep the allies panel right there with some zoom.
I also have a masterymanager that you can use with this client.
You can add up to 10 settings of masteries and it will makro it.
Click record - build from mobafire/leaguecraft - click macro and it's done! Masteries added.
Also new announcers voice (Ace, when an allie slains, when you kill an enemy and all its GREAT ZOMG!

It's awesome guys.