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[League of Legends] General Discussion

@DarkFlame I somehow like your attitude, Feels very wierd but yet, Feels just like me. I take everything serious and if some kid goes do some dumb suicide shit i rage mostly. Keep that attitude up and u will be just as good as me soon :>

@Freshpro, I would not call it casual when there are tournaments involving 100.000$
@DarkFlame I somehow like your attitude, Feels very wierd but yet , Feels just like me. I take everything serious and if some kid goes do some dumb suicide shit i rage mostly. Keep that attitude up and u will be just as good as me soon :>

@Freshpro, I would not call it casual when there are tournaments involving 100.000$

yea ur so right nevalopo, Darkflame, Soon u will be as bitchy as nevalopo!!
:p Nikodada can vouch for how much i rage :p his friend begin qq when i raged at him :(

Ye it was his first match on LoL or like 2nd or something (less than 5) He was yi.. he helped you taking blue buff.. and didnt know that only one will get and what happends? he gets it but wow.. a blue buff, u were annie using ULTI on golem kkz very pro i swear <.< well... THen you went afk and "cried" didnt wanna play cuz he did that, grow up ^^.

you were like : FFUUUU you took my buff YI!! I WASTE ULTI ON IT AND I NEED MORE

ye wow it was a normal match and he was new, also warned u b4 match u said ok ;> rage moar
@up not really :p but somewhat like it ^^ kids dont know the game = dont play with me. tho i didnt ult a golem rofl he just waited untill it had 50 hp and alpha striked it. ofc i rage ^^
@up not really :p but somewhat like it ^^ kids dont know the game = dont play with me. tho i didnt ult a golem rofl he just waited untill it had 50 hp and alpha striked it. ofc i rage ^^

please lie more, He did auto attack all the time -.- and ye u did ULTI as ANNIE on the golem, I remember that and when I think on it now it makes me lol,... ur so pro , doing ulti on golem :;>
Look what teams I keep getting:
Snach , u should see me... Srsly , I'm so lucky that - if CRAP was capital , I'd be born without an ass.

About the skins .. I bought King Trynda , I like it :DD
Now got: King Trynd , Royal Shaco , Riot Tristana , Perseus Pantheon , Nightblade Irelia , Jack of Hearts :p
Snach , u should see me... Srsly , I'm so lucky that - if CRAP was capital , I'd be born without an ass.

About the skins .. I bought King Trynda , I like it :DD
Now got: King Trynd , Royal Shaco , Riot Tristana , Perseus Pantheon , Nightblade Irelia , Jack of Hearts :p

Nightblade Irelia <3 makes her look abit older, not like the other ones making her look like shes 5 years >.<
My dream champ draw


Niiice Drawing Skills man =) (Did you draw it or theres somewhere on net? haven't seen it)

Really cool, and yeh.. hope a champ with a pet comes on LoL >,<! which is not there for like a little while like malz pet or something=P
Niiice Drawing Skills man =) (Did you draw it or theres somewhere on net? haven't seen it)

Really cool, and yeh.. hope a champ with a pet comes on LoL >,<! which is not there for like a little while like malz pet or something=P

Thanks, yes its my and i got a huge inspiritation in drawing stuff, im drawing since im 5 and ended with 14.
now im drawing only to cost my inspiration out.
the only thing i hate is that its very silly at paper, pencil
i want work on the computer, but i need for that a pogram and get teached. im 16 now and i want make stuff like that on computer in the future. but this wont be my job ofc :p hobby is hobby

/edit : this is just a skizze